eIndian Platoon

Day 547, 17:57 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

As part of my recent policy remarks on the eIndian forums, I touched on changes that could be introduced to make the eIndian armed forces more effective.

This is not a criticism of the current army officials, it is based on the known difficulties in organising and mobilising a joint armed forces effort.

The idea is simple and cost effective for the government.

Rather than supporting a bulky armed forces, I would like to see our armed forces consist of a many small platoons.

Each platoon, no larger than 5 citizens, would organise weapons and transport themselves (or via donations from companies/individuals) and would be led by a single platoon leader who would report to the Minister of Defence / President.

Platoons would only receive government funded weapons when fighting in a genuine conflict.

The idea is that 10 groups consisting of 5 citizens each will be able to communicate and function more effectively than 1 group of 50 citizens.

I would like to trial this idea to see if it is worthwhile. Any eIndian citizens who satisfies the following criteria:

* Started the game less than 15 days ago
* Currently employed in either Tamil Nadu or Orissa
* Not part of the current eIndian armed forces
* Would like the opportunity to travel / fight overseas

and would like to join my experimental platoon, please send me a message or a comment below.

The first 5 individuals who show interest will be selected. Should any of these 5 citizens go AWOL (> 3 days without activity), I will ask for replacements.

I anticipate that this experiment will run for 10 days.