eIndia Congress Passes Gift and Donation proposals

Day 499, 20:17 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus
Congress Proposals

Two proposals passed unanimously in the Lok Sabha last night as eIndia's congressman re-double their efforts to rebuild the republik.

The first proposal saw Gift import tax reduced from 50% down to 20% and passed with a 9 to 0 vote.

The second proposal, aimed at getting as much gold into eIndian hands as possible was a donation to the Indian Government Bank, this donation (in PKR) will be converted to gold by the economics minister, ArjaaAine. This passed with an 8 to 0 vote. Similar measures are planned for the rest of the foreign currency in the eIndian treasury.

Six proposals have gone before congressman in the last week, with four of these passing.

This is an encouraging sign for eIndia's citizens - congressman are actively working to make the republik more prosperous.


In an effort to solely concentrate on eIndia, Ambrosia Holdings is selling its grain company for the incredibly low price of 18 gold. This company is situated in the fertile region of Western Australia where high yields of grain are guaranteed.