Education, Culture & Coaching: This Week's Contest

Day 1,462, 04:25 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by SO_HelpdeskNL

Dear readers,

Last Week
'dan liever de lucht in', which warhero used this phrase? It was Jan van Speijk. Speijk was ordered to inspect goods which were sailed into Antwerp, during the Belgian Revolution. He was tasked with this responsibility ever since the revolution had started, but on the 5th of february, 1831, the wind blew him on the shores of Antwerp. Furious Belgian citizens entered the ship and took over the Dutch flag. Van Speijk, not wanting to betray his homecountry, put his cigar in the ship's powder, after which it exploded. He killed himself, his entire crew and an unknown number of Belgian citizens.

I have received many responses this week. I would like to thank you all once again for participating. As I did last week, everyone who has participated will get at least a conzolation price, in case they didn't enter the top three.

1st: Daniel Parker (250NLG)
2n😛 Odan (100 NLG)
3r😛 ElGorro (50 NLG)

I also want to congratulate:
4 ArtemIvanov
5 Cotarius
6 Shrubbery
7 Kimberly
8 Zeeuwsmeisje
9 Van Speijck
10 djirtsew

They'll be given 10 Q1 food each for their effort.

This Week
Out of which 'Netherlands' did The Dutch Republic (1581-1795) exist?

1st: 250 NLG
2n😛 100 NLG
3r😛 50 NLG

Good Luck!

The Ministry of Education, Culture & Coaching.