Education, Culture & Coaching: This Week's Contest

Day 1,453, 20:34 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by SO_HelpdeskNL

Dear readers,

You might notice there isn't a weekly 'Culture Newspaper' this week. The weekly newspaper will be replaced with seperate articles, which educate you about the hot items in our eNation. The first issue we're planning to tackle is the situation regarding The Senate, which is very confusing for many of us and deserves an article on it's own.

However, this doesn't mean the participants to our last contest are left with nothing. In fact, the weekly contest will continue as usually!

Last Week
'Hadt-Je-Me-Maar', Which politician was known for this term? Cornelis (Nelis) de Gelder of course! De Gelder, living his life on the streets and earning a living by singing in the neighbourhoods of Amsterdam, became known when he advertised for the musical 'Had-Je-Me-Maar'. He quickly used his fame to enter the politics, prooving that no precise skills are needed for the political stage. Eventually the title of that musical became his alias, and the sentence with whom he closed every edition of the paper of his party, The Free Socialists.

I received many responses indeed! I want to thank everyone for participating. For those who were to late to receive an official prize, I have given them a conzolation price!

1st: ElGorro (100 NLG)
2n😛 Van Spijk (50 NLG)
3r😛 Shrubbery (25 NLG)

Also, ArtemIvanov, Cotarius and Zen Mahong are to be congratulated on their knowlegde of Dutch history, and will be given 10xQ1 food.

This Week
Which warhero used the phrase 'dan liever de lucht in'? Send your answer to me (NoTie112) and win that money! This week the prizes will be doubled!

1st: 250 NLG
2n😛 100 NLG
3r😛 50 NLG

Good Luck!

The Ministry of Education, Culture & Coaching.