EDIT: What to expect from COUNTRY PRESIDENCY

Day 3,638, 22:36 Published in Finland Finland by Repe Support UKR Ruutikallo

Hi there everyone. I know I´m a bit too late with this, feeling very very SORRY about it.
But I sincerely hope some of you can & will take the advantage
´n´ catch a few killer tips from this neolithic piece of a fossil while he´s still breathing.

Won´t hurt ya, CLICK ahead...

Yepp... I did IT... my dear neighbor & good friend: .
. MIX . .
, I said it out loud.... Fossil 😉
Won´t hurt ya... too long.

So, get oooon with it and ditch this mandatory Mambo-Jambo-Blah-Bla,allready...

Just hold ur horses for a sec, not that young no more, not that flexible no more, but wayyy more adaptive soothsayer than one possibly could ever though of..

( Yepp... NOW it´s the time to run for your dictionarys to check out why there´s my pic marking as Wisdom )

We, the fossils, may listen to some good wibe music at the time:

Oookayyy... I know all of you, you, whom are now as the youth.. Allow my description here: ("everything and I mean e_v_e_r_y_thing to me and faster than I´m able to think...**ich")

But do NOT WORRY, do NOT WORRY. It will pass, always passed and always will pass.
(...The fine art of consolation just passed... Got it?)

Ill ease out you this wall of non-sense nothing to lose..with this:

So, I wanted to be a president of eFinland coulpe of months ago, since it was quite long from my last term. And sure, knowing that I´ll have all "the time needed" to take care of da bizznizzzes..

Aaaand, wow!! KA_BOOOM!! I got elected.

Actually got elected sooooo darn well that it would´ve been simple stupidity and a waste of our precious time to set up again such a clumsy non-sense-apparatus.

.. And for what?? Just to tell us something we already knew prrrreeetty damn well.. USELESS

Then, without fare warning,from clear sky,Simm-sala-BUUUM-KA-BOOM...(& few other midgets alongside...can´t really help with these..).
There comes another month! Happiness & kisses to the whole eWorld.

Oh well, not that bad, I think.
But so, for what to expect as CP is all covered here in somewhat tight package...I´d say...
(yupp I´m fallin´ deeper and deeper in love with my endlessly extruding Wisdom and the words that just keeps coming out...)

Someone IS GOING to SHOOT me if we won´t carry on..

So, TWO TERMS as CP summarized:

Mutual protection packs:
Renewed/accepte😛 35.
Rejecte😛 1. Why? It may looked alike I was heading for asking .. . COLIN . . to be my date for the night.
But naaah... Nothing that exiting.
(all thanks to this woooderful mobilesite and it´s ever so user-friendly s_y_s_t_e_m of o_pe_r_a_t_i_n_g.)

Nothing to improve there...none...Just Nada.

So, what else does the P_R_E_S_I_D_E_N_T do?

All here, on a silver plate:

...small improvement can be seen...

Not that DIFFICULT at all... You´ll see!


To YOU all

The Hassler of eFinland


Sooo... f**ck ´n ´ share if you liked it.