EDEN, a Brotherhood[POL]

Day 860, 10:56 Published in Poland USA by logan Dunleavy

EDEN, a brotherhood
As you know EDEN was founded as a brotherhood. Without a charter and it was a loose collection of nations that fought for a common cause. But sadly it seems to me that the common cause we rallied around in the dark days of WW3 have faded. Our battle cry has gone faint and we have lost our sense of brotherhood.

The fact still stands, EDEN is a brotherhood and like all brothers one will disagree or even fight with the other, but in the end brothers are always there for each other. If someone starts to beat up one brother the other will come to his aid. This is how EDEN was supposed to work. That was our cause to fight for each other, not for only one nation or the other. In order to function we can't have strict rules restricting one brother from doing what the he wants. That won't work, what EDEN needs is to work together but at the same time allow each nation to have its own freedoms. If a nation wants to go off on a military venture on its own it can. But if another EDEN nation is under attack and in serious risk then all brothers should defend to an extent. Were brothers, its okay to disagree and fight once in a while but in the end all EDEN nations have each others backs.
