EDEN's Dilemma

Day 1,095, 12:12 Published in Norway USA by graduallynevele

Warning: Rant Below. Also, a TL😉R.

This game's becoming to easy for EDEN. When the new MPP rules were implemented, we expected to see all the small nations (such as ourselves) wiped out within months. Fortunately, that didn't happen. To us, at least.

Since the new rules began, we've seen the following nations collapse:




Australia (assisted by a PTO)



India fell due conflicts between many other nations and the resurgence of the Dioist empire of Pakistan. The United States, along with much of EDEN, felt betrayed by India's actions. Phoenix didn't care. With Pakistan on the rise, no one was left to defend them except for a lonely Croatian MPP, which Croatia no longer supported.

Portugal only fell because it egged on the Americans to attack, hoping to spark a baby boom. Spain hopped in on the action.

Turkey fell to Greece after a longstanding war. Hungary fell to the Cromanian forces, again after longstanding wars. Estonia fell to Finland (and Latvia), after minor skirmishes. Russia, who's wipe began just before the new rules regarding MPPs, fell to the combined weight of the United States, Poland, China, and Romania.

Poor Germany, right after Hungary, fell to the Polish, Italian, and Swedish might. I believe this may be the fourth time they've been wiped, including the PEACE wipe of WW3 to free Germany from Swedish clutches.

Australia was wiped during a PTO, where they could not sign MPPs to defend themselves against the Indonesian onslaught.

Brazil, for only but a day, lost the resource-rich region of North of Brazil.

The United Kingdom has been under the knife of Canada (Ireland holds Wales), most of the nation being silently occupied over the last few weeks. The Netherlands were very temporarily wiped as the British hopped across them into Germany to assist against the Swedish. However, Germany declined this offer and blocked off Britain from any further help. Dutch Resistance Wars have locked the Britons back to their island, surrounded by French, Americans, Irish, and most notably, Canadians.

To break the Phoenix collapse, Spain was nearly wiped out recently, thanks to French and Brazilian assaults, but hit back hard in a number of Resistance Wars and direct attacks on their own lands, and was able to reclaim much, including some Portuguese territory. They're currently assisting Poland in an offence against France, and have taken Aquitaine (yet again) and Languedoc Roussillon.

It appears the only major nations "safe" or "forgotten" for now are Brazil, Serbia*, and Indonesia**, all three of which have had scares.

*Lost all Asian holdings
**Lost their land's "virginity" as Sumatra was briefly taken by American forces

Who's to say where our eyes will turn next? France seems to be on the hit-list for now, but soon, eyes may divert back to the resource rich Brazilian lands.

Where am I going with this?

There's something wrong.

The world's become outrageously one-sided, very reminicisant of the days of World War 3, where PEACE controlled much of the world. Phoenix nations appear to tremble under the weight of EDEN's wealth and strength, unable to hold back the beast of a tree that we reside on.

Winning almost isn't fun, anymore. Most of the Cromanian-Hungarian war went unbenownst to me, I thought they were just drain-battles.

Then lo and behol😛

The same thing happened at Liaoning: The Great Serbian Stronghold. We hit multiple times, unable to break the wall that Serbia'd laid down in the North of China. No MPPs against them and a fortress state once 11,000 people strong. With the new mini-battle system, it fell in a night, hard.

EDEN's going to get bored. People have already been raising this issue, so maybe I'm just beating a dead horse, but eventually the game's going to run out of things to do. Phoenix is entirely what makes this game fun: An enemy to beat on and strive to win against.

But when it happens, it's an empty victory: There's barely any strategy, gold is flowing out of EDEN to pummel the once great nations of Russia and Hungary, and the current MPP system is broken.

Even without proper hospitals, we're devastating them.

It's not fair, and it's really not going to be fun for much longer. Something's going to fall, and instead of Phoenix, it may very well become EDEN, if not both alliances, together. We may witness the birth of an entirely new set-up to balance the game back together. Perhaps even the union of previously hating nations, such as Croatia-Romania-Hungary-Serbia, could be seen to exist.

We may seen a more region-based alliance form (as stated just above).

It would be a complete re-evaluation of the world at large.

Interesting things can still happen. I'm merely going off what I'm seeing in the world, today.


The game's far too unbalanced, and we may see a future revamp of the alliances as EDEN gets bored and Phoenix cries out. With all the gold being poured in to crush the opposition, EDEN has nowhere to go but up until we hit the limit.

Where's this game going?