Economy - Good news, bad news

Day 589, 17:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Today was planned to be a big day for Malaysia's economy, the day when the first Malaysian q4 company opens. However today we suddenly lost one of our best companies so I can't say this is a good day for us.

Good news

The corporation I administer has recently purchased one of the q2 food companies and the investors have put together enough money to upgrade it to q4. Yes, we have a q4 food company now: Wajik - Malaysian Food, which I'm really proud of. The company will offer q4 food, a product we lacked so far, for a reasonable price and according to plans will provide the best paying manufacturing jobs in Malaysia. The upgrade will also ease the pressure on our q2 food market which has suffered from overproduction up until now because of the two companies. The other one, Eat for Freedom is currently restarting, so in 1-2 days we will be well supplied with all kinds of food except for q5.

This also means that there will be a lot more job openings in the manufacturing sector now, with anyone being able to find a fitting job for himself/herself.

Bad news

The very bad news of the day is that WT Org has been permanently banned. And with it Malaysia lost its q3 housing company only days after it was upgraded. A lot of hard work has gone down the drain with this. We also lost about ten inactive workers in that company, and we are back to ground zero with one huge positive difference. We have at least 10 more active construction skill workers now than when the project started. As WC Housing doesn't have job offers on the market for all skills I had to open the new q1 housing company of the state in an emergency. So now here it is, waiting for new users to work there: National Housing Ltd.

Best regards,