Economics - Inflation Index

Day 96, 05:37 Published in Sweden Sweden by Popolo

Our newspaper is going to be serious source of information and opinions. We want to be read, but not only because of emotional news, but because of serious researches as well. In order to research the economy of Poland we decided to publish Price Index, which gives some information about changes of prices of goods.
The construction of Price Index:
It is obvious that some goods in economy are more important, and other are less important. The importance of good depends on the number of sold items. The importance of good will be refelcted in the Price Index.
For exaple: Now, at the start in Februaru the turnover of companies tha produce weapon in Poland was 101 PLN, and the turnover of food producent is 291 PLN. It means that the changes of prices of weapon will have an 25,7% share in changes of Price Index and the changes of food respectively 74,3%.
The base of Index now is 100.
The changes are calculated every week in sunday or monday.
The "weight" of goods in Indexs are changed every month (at the end of march will be next changed) when the monthly turnovers of companies are known.