Economic war

Day 1,091, 17:46 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus
Romania has won; Hungary is down on its knees. Most of the Hungarian population is now in Romania, and hence there is a big problem for Romania’s economy. In the previous paper, I have argued that one of the causes that led to Hungary’s defeat was the initial loss of the grain supply and thus of food for the army. Now, it seems that the economic problems are creeping in the Romanian society – most of you know the Russian “+21”.

For those who don’t know: after Romania has conquered part of Russia, the economy had to absorb some 1000 jobless Russians (most of their employers decided not to buy licenses and fire them). So, the Russians started a guerilla war by working with low wellness (minimum was 21, hence the comments in the media) and causing much trouble for general managers (I myself closed and sold a food company).

Back to the issue, now we have ~4000 Hungarians looking for jobs. And trouble making. They got hired with high salaries, work with low wellness and cause some economic loss to the company and in general to the national economy (~5000 Hungarians and Russians, each causing an average 5-6 RON worth of loss could have a huge impact on the economy in a matter of weeks). The problem is aggravated by the fact that they are fired immediately and can freely move to another company, and do the same. And again, and again, and again (a note: we, Romanians, did it too. In Indonesia. It was worse. A huge mess was what we did there) The problem has been noticed for a while, and various proposals have been advanced to encounter it. Apart from some hopeless petitions to change the payment method (according to productivity), the best seemed to be to hire people with 1 RON wage/day and then raise it to the agreed one. Another was to publish job openings in specially created journals, but this didn’t work, as people tend to be individualist and they want workers NOW, not in a matter of hours/days.
Now the 1 RON method works when you have only a few hundred guerrilla warriors, but it needs some coordination when you have thousands of them. It is time for a concerted action, in which both the general managers and the government should be part. All general managers should understand that they have nothing but to loose should they continue to hire from the job market. 1 RON must be the rule. [b[Hire with minimum wage, check the individual’s wellness and nationality, too. It is war. Should the person be Hungarian, fire him![/b] (I am sorry guys, you want to hurt us, we do the same. That’s it. Nothing personal). Should he decide to work with 21 wellness for 1 RON, before getting fired, no problem. He will produce more than that 1 RON, and you can fire him and get another guy to do the work. Should he be Cromanian, you can jointly decide on the salary. This has the advantage of getting in personal contact with the worker and thus building a more close relation between managers and workers. It can and must be explained that before leaving for a possible higher salary he should first ask for it.
Now, we all know this. So why am I saying it again? Because the indiscipline that characterizes our general managers. Once they will see that the salaries are going down, they will quickly post a job opening, with 0.1 RON more in wages…other guy will see it and do the same an so. They will loose money, the economy will loose money, and our position will weaken. I urge the government to set up a journal with advices for general managers, with jobs listing, with 1-2 people to work on organizing the job market. The job market should go as low as possible, bellow the “damage” level and the working hand professionalized. This will help our economy in the long term to, as maybe, maybe, people will learn what it means to work with high wellness. Check in the picture bellow the damage caused by working with low wellness (this information is for Romanians, the Hungarians I guess are happy to do so).

Another issue: TWs and RWs in NB and Transnistria. We should stop buying hospitals for a while in the Moldavian provinces once the present ones are gone. We did it nicely without them, and we don’t want to help Hungarians and Russians get free wellness for their RWs. Exhaust the hospitals, and let them go.

And a piece of advice for Hungarians. In a matter of weeks, you will manage to free some region and will start the “reconquista”. But you’ll need food. Take advantage of being here, set up raw and food companies, work for them with maximum wellness, buy licenses for Hungary and be prepared to send resources and food over there for the war. You will badly needed when time will come. We can manage with your guerilla, but you will not without resources. Build-up wealth, while you can. We have high resource regions, you are thousands, get to work! After all, you'll soon might have some regions back.

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