eBirth to an eBaby by a eCyborg!

Day 696, 12:44 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

As of today I’ve changed the name of my newspaper to “The Polar Chronicles”. Firstly, because my newspaper was a total failure as I could hardly ever think of anything to write and, secondly because I’ve just had an eBaby and it would be for nothing if I don’t publish something about him from time to time.


After 66 hours of labour I gave birth to a beautiful or shall I say rather furry polar bear ( lets face it...with a cross between a cyborg and a polar bear it was hard to be sure of what we should expect). Fram was there the whole time holding my hand (except for the time when he fainted and had to be taken outside for a while) and as weird as it might sound so was Taiwan Panda was there the whole time, just standing outside the door (you know TP, always wants to be the first to see everything).

Here’s a brief account of what happened...

I was walking to the eMarket to get some bread for dinner, when, suddenly I started to feel contractions. I called Fram, but he wasn’t picking up...so I called the next person on my speed dial. Taiwan Panda came as fast as he could to get me to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital marcchelala (the doc.!!) was waiting for me and...beside him was Fram (I guess TP is good at spreading news).

By now I was in a wheelchair being rushed to the room and as soon as I reached Fram he greeted me “Hey honey! So, ready for the baby”-we was much more enthusiastic than me. So, I slapped him as soon as I was able to reach his face. “Why didn’t you answer your phone ah!?”-well by this time I wasn’t exactly myself...:/-“You’ve been calling me every two minutes since I’m pregnant and today you had to not answer your phone!!”. “Breath franky, cmon.” Marc was probably the most relaxed person around me by now. He started showing me breathing exercises but by this time TP was probably the one who needed to breath, he was basically hyperventilating.

We got to the room and they started me in labour right away of course they had to keep TP outside. Fram wasn’t a great help as kept fainting every time marc mentioned something medical so, it was basically just me, marc and the two nurses assisting him. After 66h (probably the longest hours of my life) he (yes it’s a he 😛) was finally ready to come out.

Scorpius and Coda were now outside waiting to see their newborn Godson. It was a magical moment...(well...I dozed off ‘cause I was so tired but Fram pretty much made a summary about everything). By Fram’s words; He was so beautiful, probably the most beautiful polar bear cyborg I’ve ever seen. We’d agreed to call him zurkon so Fram took care of the registry stuff. When I woke up I saw my newborn baby for the first time and it was true he’s so beautiful. Coda and Scorpius (and of course TP) were around my bed cuddling zurkon and Fram was as white as I’d ever seen him (according to TP he’d just seen a whole lot of blood).

I leave you with a picture of the cutest polar bear-cyborg ever 😃

Oh..and the baby's first word was SPAM! (if you know zurkon you know what I mean 😛)