Day 1,021, 06:09 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Congratulations eAustralia! You did a mighty fine thing today.

Hinokai has been successfully elected as President of eAustralia today.

Whats even better - is that if all of our elected senators vote, then he cannot be impeached.

Sadly, we do not have control of the senate (yet).

But with over 200 multis being banned this election, there is a strong chance that we will be able to get our country back in 20 days time in Senate.

In the meantime - hang in there eAustralia - THIS IS OUR TIME!!

And thankyou to all our EDEN and Brolliance buddies for their help over the past few months.

We could not have done this without you!

-Timeoin (Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs)