Earn money by upgrading your company

Day 1,580, 16:14 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

This is funny times. I remember how it was a year ago. Jockson had a lot of different companies back then. Owned a diamond mine, a stone company, ticket companies. It was a good times. My workers and me, we produced food, we made gifts for people. And houses. We made tickets for tourists, everything that would make a citizen of The New World happy. Poland had 60.000 citizens at that time.

But this times changed. Only thing we produce now is weapons, so the folks can strike at that virtual icon that has to be killed 25 times but never really get killed. Everything else except weapons is not profitable.

Funny thing happened to the economy. There is this invisible buyer, a constant gold inflation. National banks are almost gone, there is no more market regulations.

That was imminent. Gold has reached the price where you can disband your q3 raw company, and convert it to q4. And earn 100 PLN doing so.

Poland today? 12.000 citizens. It figures.

Funny times indeed.