Early Xmas Present for USA

Day 755, 06:46 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

It is with heavy heart that I write to you now. I woke this morning to find that Dokomo had pressed the retreat button and given away our Home Region of Kyushu to allow his friends in the USA to launch attacks to occupy Asia and help Dokomo and his close comrades take revenge for their loss of eNorth Korea.

As a member of COngress I was evacuated to Kanto in my sleep and am co-ordinating the resistance from here until such time as we are able to liberate Kyushu and I can relocate back there.

Due to the conflict of interest between myself and President Dokomo I do not feel able to serve in his Government any longer in good faith so I have sent him my letter of Resignation for the positions of Secretary of State for Immigration and Secretary of State for Sumo Affairs.

I will continue to serve in Congress as I do not believe that leaving Congress is in the best interests of those who chose me to represent them in Congress and I will continue to speak up for Japanese patriots and right minded citizens.

Well it seems as though it was a plan all along to deliver Kyushu to the USA as an early Xmas present. Not only that but we now find ourselves heading fully into USAs bed with our likely entry into EDEN with MPPs with Poland, SPain etc all incoming according to many sources.

Many of us appreciate the effort and friendship of our old friends and allies and do not support this unwarranted attack by the USA aided by our corrupt puppet Government!

For Kyushu
For Japan
For Ten Thousand Years

Member of Congress for Kyushu
TFC Party President