Draim for Senate in Victoria

Day 1,646, 18:58 Published in Australia Australia by DraimAlexander

I don't want to bore everyone with repetition so if you want a bit of a longer sense of my core feelings (I'll list the titles here but not everything) you can read more about them in last months article.

Overall I think I can be summed up by a couple tenants:

  • Support for the ADF (Australian Defense Force)
  • Reasonable taxes and adjustment as necessary
  • Education and New Users
  • Stats Stats Stats
  • Loyalty to eAustralia
  • Accessibility and Availability
  • Honest and candid responses
  • No political animosity
  • Always Listen

These things power everything I do, I think I followed them this term and I will continue to do so next term. If you have questions or concerns please let me know.

For those that don't read the in game forums you should! They are full of information and some great people (just like IRC 😉 ) and a great way to stay connected to the community. That said I think we need change as well. This term was marked by a couple big things, the continuation of our training war with SA (which just basically ended) and the start of a (not so training) war with New Zealand. It was also marked by a lot of "drama" on the forums and beyond about that war.

I strongly believe that the people who were causing drama were doing so because they felt like they were doing what was best for the country but it has gone overboard. We need to get our act together, act mature, and do what needs doing. There is little doubt that a good portion of our country has been getting 'bored' sitting around without a war or something to fight for (even if we have a training war) and that is something that needs to be addressed. Some people want us to charge ahead, some want us to be cautious but as usual the true reality is almost always in between.

There is room to do what needs to be done (and I do think we need some kind of war) without rule mongering and pointless bickering. The communication hasn't been great from either side but we need to try and restart that this term and I hope to be able to be part of that process. Vote for DraimAlexander in Victoria under the ANP (Australian National Party) banner.

James (Draim)