Donut on Tour - Stop Two, South Korea

Day 774, 09:03 Published in South Korea India by Donut Stores

Dear all (and a warm welcome to anyone reading this in South Korea),

It's been a little while since I updated this newspaper and that's thanks almost exclusively to the existance of the month of December, which is perpetually manic in my RL life. I didn't want to commit to a visit to a nation when I didn't really have time to give it the attention it deserves.

But now that I have commited I've commited completely - with my actual citizen account, einberliner, rather than just my org. With my third term in congress done I'm free to move around the eGlobe and I'm choosing to start in eSouth Korea, a country I know several of my eFriends have great time for.

I am not seeking citizenship, merely to expand my eKnowledge a little. I'd like to get to know people from around the eGlobe, learn what their concerns and priorities are and so forth. eIreland is a nation that is independent of any alliance and we're blessed with several prominent citizens with a great knowledge of foreign affairs, who understand well what the issues and concerns globally are. I've always felt pretty ignorant about them myself and so here I am, looking to learn.

I hope to be with South Korea for a couple of weeks, and warmly welcome any friends requests to my citizen account (einberliner) or subscriptions from those of you who may be interested in what I learn as I travel. My prior stop was in eSweden and, as I've said before, my overriding impression of the Swedes was one of friendliness, I'm still in contact with several of them.

Wishing you all well and hoping to get to know you better,