Donut On Tour - Stop Three, eIndia

Day 785, 05:36 Published in India India by Donut Stores

Dear Regular Readers and eIndians,

For those of you that don't know my name is Donut, though my citizen account is einberliner, and I am currently traveling the eGlobe in the hopes of learning more about all the various cultures, peoples and conflicts that happen here. My first visit was to Sweden, using this org, but since then I have have completed my term as congressperson in eIreland and am now travelling with my citizen account itself.

My current stop is in eIndia, where I am already learning a lot from reading articles and talking to people. It's a country in an interesting position because of a dispute with eIran and I hope to learn more from both sides about what's been going on and what they'd like for the future of the country.

I anticipate being here until the weekend, as though there has just been a training war I understand that battles aren't too frequent and I really am determined to hit FM as soon as humanly possible lol. After that I will likely stop in eIsrael or eNorway, as these are the two countries I am eIrish Ambassador to.

Please feel free to request friendship from einberliner, or subscribe to this paper, if you'd like to follow my travels.

With love,

P.S - To my Swedish friends... it occurred to me I never really did a proper leaving article when I departed your shores. I hope to write one soon and get it up for all to see.