Donovanism *plz read*

Day 417, 14:47 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

The Word on 1/10/09 is found here

Donovanism is a completely made of form of taxation/economics. This is just a thought,and it is written badly for i am kinda tired.

Donovanaism believes that people shouldn't have to pay unwillingly. Donovanism is libertarian with Conservatism and makes the national government have a little less responsibilities.
It is were there are no taxes....hardly.
Instead of doing taxes were my dollar in TN goes to a q5 hospital anywhere else in the US, seems unfair. What if people could choose what their dollar goes to? What if they could choose how much?

It works by the government setting up organizations like : an organisation name😛 "A better hospital for Tennesseee" and if anyone really wants one of those they donate to it. There could be an oprganization for everything. " USA army" anything....."MPP" if people really wanted it they could donate to it. Your dollar can go towards anything YOU want it to go long as we build it.

The system would work like this for hospital organizations: When a congressman runs he chooses his running mate. The running mate gets the password to the state's hospital organization. He is then treasurer of state hospital.

The things government focuses on is funding for: information (through newspapers and now NAU), military, and hospitals.

People would have to remember who to donate to. Organization would be hard.Donating would take some time to who you want it to go to, and remember to donate it on a regular base..Few would be informed about this and would have to be politically active to know. There are some downsides and some good sides.The main advantage is freedom.

Freedom to fund what you want to happen.With hardly any taxes- businesses would grow, and many gain wealth and can donate.

I would like to be more like the RL USA and not have a National hospital. (unfortunately Rl is going that way.)

The Donovanism dream looks like this:
Business are greater. GDP is higher. People get their money towards were they want it to go. A peace lover doesn't have to pay for war since he won't vote. People have more freedoms than ever. The people are happier.

Each state could have it's own funding.

This would be the VERY opposite of Communism for the Gov't has less power.

Once again it was badly written,and plz don't tell me this would be a bad idea for i sort of know.

Of course you can mix things up, and let Government handle organization , and national security, but let organizations do the hospitals.