Don't celebrate.

Day 795, 14:31 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I look at our media, and I see dozens of articles insulting Indo and their PHEONIX cronies. And rightfully so. These people are the same ones who have stomped all over us in the past, and now they come to us once more, expecting an easy victory. Their trolls fill our media with unoriginal quips and various renditions of internet memes as though they had something constructive, intelligent and purposeful to say.

And we beat them. We all did. Every last single person who fought against PHEONIX deserves a thank you. Every last South African should humbly thank these people.

But no one should be celebrating.

This is not over. These people who invaded us today have pride. Maybe wrongly so, maybe undeserving, but they have pride. And that pride has been wounded. And now their only concern will be making us pay for it.

There are three things, after all the fighting today, that I know to be true without an ounce of doubt. Three things that I will never allow to be forgotten.

The first thing is that allies are the most important resource a nation can have. Neutrality is dead, and the only way to play this game is to fight with your allies.

The second thing is that EDEN is the good guy. I'm sure I'm going to catch hell for this, just like I did last time I backed them, but if anyone doubts what I'm saying in the face of today's aggression, and the conflicts that will come tomorrow then they are playing a different game then I am. South Africa owes today's victories, and whatever victories may follow, to EDEN. Hail EDEN!

The third thing is that tomorrow will bring more fights. Nothing is over. This is only the beginning. And it's going to get a whole hell of a lot worse.

For The Third Republik. For EDEN. For The Black Shield.