Do you know how to fight in a War Game?

Day 1,037, 22:43 Published in China Albania by MaverickMAX

Yesterday I went to a war Game here in USA with my militia friends of Brazilian Monkeys. I realized that there are many people who don’t know very well how to act in WG. So I decided make this article with a few pertinent observations.

But what the hell Is a War Game?

War Game is a peaceful battle, where two friendly nations combine in order to entertain their citizens and increase their firepower. When fighting you get some rank and skill points and becomes stronger.

In this kind of battle you don’t need to spend much money and can play for a looong time, because nobody wants to conquest nothing. The government of each country provides one (or more) hospitals and you always fight recovering your wellness with your hospital, and your opponent heals with his hospital. If it is a resistence war, better. You can change your size of fight always you want to.

How can I do it?

1. If you are in a RW enter the side with less people.

2. Be sure you are in the hospital zone and don’t leave it, no matter what. If you are out this zone, could lose wellness anytime, so you’ll have to buy food to recover it.

See this image:

It is 4 hospitals placed side by side, 2 for each country. The effect area of each hospital is only one zone (tile). Each neighbour hospital has a common area between itself. The hospitas of this battle recovers 48 wellness you lose in each pvp fight. You recover to 70 wellness in the first three defeats with the free health packs, besides that your wellness will get back to 20 wellness for each defeat. If you win the fight, will lose the wellness on damage taken.

If you supposedly go into battle with 100 health, means that:

If you win the battle and lose 60 wellness, you’ll be with 88 wellness in the end of the fight (100-60+48=8😎

If you lose, you’ll back with 100 wellness. Considering the free health packs.

In the others defeats, you’ll back with 68 wellness (20+4😎.

You can play, while the hospitals be there, with only 68 wellness and come back always with this wellness. This way, you can die easier, since you have less wellness to take damage, but it’s ok, cause you can fight as much as you want and won’t spend money with food.

3. To make it works, you should not conquest your opponent’s hospital and always fight between then, in an area that both can be cured. If your opponent’s hospital be conquered, the opponents will be wihout heal and the game ends, unless it be conquered again.

This is the right way

This is the wrong way

4. Strike an opponent when he is out the covered by the hospital is cruelty and you wouldn’t like other one did it with you. Still, don’t be ever out your hospital area, cause probably somebody will attack you.

5. If you don’t mind the ratio, always fight in berserker mode. This way, you’ll attack while there are people to be attacked in the tile or you die. You’ll die much more, probably all or almost all the rounds, but you’ll damage much more. And take more damage too. It means you’ll earn more skill and ranking points. And will be stronger.

6. Don’t use booster, you’ll spend your gold for nothing. Save it for a real and important battle.

I hope you enjoy it while the war module don’t change.