Do we cheat time by writing our thoughts?

Day 1,544, 16:02 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Well, the concept itself does seem interesting, but do we? I would assume that differs from an individual, but in general if you look at it from a neutral point of view, you could at least say that by writing any kind of articles which in general means you are expressing your thoughts, you cheat time. With time your thoughts fade away but if you decide to write them down they are everlasting or at least that's how we like to say it. We do know nothing lasts forever... Yes, we cheat many factors, we cheat the aging factor that prevents us from time to time to "reach" the same level of thinking experience as before and we cheat time by making our brain waves available to wider internet. Now, how can I prove it? I just did, the thing that I am writing may not get read a lot but it still will be ever lasting and caught on internet for the future generations. It sounds like a talk from a prophet, but the reality is that is completely true we just don't want to face it, we simply do not like the reality and boldness of life.

I still ask myself, am I the same person as the one who wrote the article a year or two years ago? Most likely not and that's not due to the change in my personality, but due to the change in my thinking, you look at things from a wiser perspective once you have been through it all, you can at least confirm that. But believe me, I am cheating time with every letter that is written on this white background, I cheat it daily with my every article that will stay on the internet for a long period of time, I did it all and so did you. It's more than interesting to read or at least check what you were sharing to others some time ago, and with that I mean the expression of your thoughts and directness. I can't get the feeling that I feel another individual with the same name as mine wrote those things and in couple of years I will feel the same. It's just a process we all go through.

Anyhow, to continue my thoughts about cheating time, it's a relative statement indeed. But the interesting thing is we just don't think of it as something serious or do we even bother with it, we just go with the flow, as I like to say. It's usual for things that are important but get ignored on a daily basis, they are the sense of life and we should find a sense of life in them, but we do not. There's another thought I ask myself constantly, do you achieve greatness by writing articles and getting your voice spread around? Possibly, but with time the thinking changes too, we may cheat time but we can't outrun it, it makes complete sense. At this very given moment people may regard you as a hero but in few years time, 10 years time and even more you will be completely forgotten or people will only remember your name and not your works. A foolish thing altogether. I was always of the opinion you should do something to get your voice heard and make others think about it but at the same time listen to others' opinions as well. It's the best way to make wise decisions, sometimes they might turn out to be unwise, but still, making mistakes is in us, as Romans said.

Thoughts are kept forever on a blank internet paper at start and that paper gets filled with words. Just by that we cheat it, we cheat time and the limits of our understanding of things. We cheat everything, even our understanding of things, but the greatest way cheating can be expressed is by writing it.

We cheat at everything and thoughts are ever lasting on internet, they cannot be deleted.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly