Do not miss!!!!

Day 310, 00:14 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

I will begin today a new Order, Order of Donetsk. All citizens living in Donetsk and want to enter the order must have at least 2 days worked, or trained.

If you enter this Order , you will be given: ---- a special nickname(code-name)

for the beginning 6 RON to buy some food----
priority for future courses at shool----

If you work and train every day you can advance in the Order. The ranks are

High ruler

Fallen Angel

Deemed Sergeant

Fiercefull warrior


All new members have the rank of Peasants. One worked week gives you the opportunity to receive a check of 20 RON . Or a loan for a house.

You can receive higher rank only if you are socially active, you know economical, political skills and DO NOT spam.

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