Divine Retribution

Day 914, 04:53 Published in Sweden Germany by Atlanis

First of all we want to thank you for opening up a great possibility to kick some Buts again. Who would have thought, that you would open up a war against great Russia and 22 allies. Lucky for us the russian bear can´t reach you at the moment.
You may have temporaly aquired two german Regions, but the Chancellor of the Federal Republik ordered an tactical retreat in order to regain initiative in the war against Poland. As you may have noticed you are of no importance anymore, all you can do is try to block a country which is emerging in the middle of Europe. Even Poland doesn´t try to attack BBB anymore and risks a long road to gain a High Grain through Austria, they are wise to do so. But even so they will fail.
Be happy that you aquired some High Grain for the moment, but you won´t hold it for to long.

As Letnix sai😛 "Poland first!"

So please be ready to meet:

The newly instituted Heeresbatailione...

The V2 ready "Panzerwaffe"...

Our special Expeditionskorps, currently fighting in more important battles...

Be ready to receive Divine Retribution, this time it will be Sweden who will be wiped of the map