Distinguished Faces in TUP.

Day 610, 07:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party


The Unity Party has an abundance of members, many of whom contribute to society through articles, donations, councils, the Government, the Military adverts. However, a few people withing the Unity Party really pull their weight, their efforts for the party and for society as a whole is commendable, and I have chosen to write this article to mention a few people who have made a difference one way or another to the party.

Key Figures

There are a few people in TUP who are not only a large influence on the party, but our society as a whole. Always willing to help, and holding key positions in the UK, to mention, but a few of them;

Iain Keers - A very handy person to have around, to say the least. Iain is the current Minister of Trade, and when it comes to the economy he really knows his stuff. A dependable and intelligent figure of the party, he is always willing to help, providing he has a cup of tea.

"His greatest success has definately been his newspaper and i enjoy reading it alot. He is also a good politician and a good current MoT. I trust that he can help the country even more in the future."

Malta_1990 - A very helpful, enthusiastic, and ambitious individual. Never afraid to get stuck in to any topic or issue raised in or out of the Party. He always seems to have an interesting idea or project running and seems to enjoy helping people.

"Malta struck me as very calm and professional during his term, not ever insulting or rude at all, and quite intelligent."

John Forseti - Many know him as our old Party President, I consider John one of TUP's handiest members. He allowed me the chance to run for congress, and I was successful, he got me playing an active role in TUP and the military. He is usually the first person I turn to for advice.

"Fountain of Knowledge and advice, general agreeable chap"

Final Destiny - Final Destiny was country president back in the day. (Sorry for making you sound e-Old) However, still today when he graces us with his presence his views and opinions obviously influence many TUP'ers. He is both intelligent and wise, his knowledge of the game and his experience means his contribution is often valid and important.

"His calm attitude and easy explanation of Erepublik concepts helped get acquainted with the game."

Distinguished People

That isn't all, TUP is home to many people who are more then willing to put large amounts of effort into both the betterment of the party, and the betterment of the United Kingdom. Although they may not seem to hold much influence over a broad spectrum of people, they all have the potential to become key players in the UK, and I do not for one minute doubt their capability to hold important positions such as Cabinet Minister or Congressmen.

Catterick - He takes an active part in the London Council, after I appointed him as uMoHa in the entertainment branch, he quickly proved that when given a task or duty - he takes it seriously. Another person who isn't workshy, given a task or even if he simply sees something that needs doing, he'll always contribute, and does a good job.

"He is like a legend in the London council, since its birth Catterick has been there and he is still there, a good man."

Karacticus - Another member who is active in his regional council, in Wales. His dedication and determination to both his council and TUP in my opinion have made him a prime candidate for voters anywhere. Another enthusiastic member, who is both inventive and dedicated. I could certainly do with 10 more Karacticus's to help around.

"His work for the Welsh Council has been really good, he's been really dedicated and helpful"

Miloman - Yet another member who is active in his regional Council! Milo's work in the East of England council has been helpful, he is a dedicated worker. I know out of experience that when given a task, he works on it straight away, quickly and efficiently. I have no doubts that he would be more than capable of holding a position of power.

"Miloman is always ontop of the news"

Stefan1992 - Stefan is an active and vocal member of Congress. His contribution to the House of Commons and the party has been very helpful, I wouldn't hesitate to refer him to a position in the Government because he offers a level of dedication on tasks and a level of enthusiasm that is hard to come by.

"Stefan help in the run up to the CP elections was very handy, his willingness to do even arduous tasks surprised me"

This short list is by no means all, there are many members who we haven't the room to mention, Nice Guy Eddie, Gary Beacons, and Lord Weiis are just a few examples.

The TUP is a radical, innovative party that focus's on teamwork. When I first joined the party I was surprised about how well people's thought and opinion where taken into consideration, and quickly became an active member. Before I knew it I quickly became the head of this workforce, which never loses momentum, and is fun too work with.

Mr Woldy.
Unity Party President.

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