DIB Stock Update on December 15th, 2009

Day 756, 13:57 Published in USA USA by Donovanator's Industries/Bank
$$$Our Initial Public Offering for our shares$$$
Donovanator's Industries/Bank(DI😎 : 2.00 Gold/ 80 USD per Stock
Yesterday's Prices: 0.955 Gold/ 38.2 USD per Stock
One stock = 1% of the whole organization and it's subsidies.
Available stocks: 0

[news] The DIB Street Journal [news]
~ When one posts shares' prices or invests in shares, one shall learn the difference between Market
Value and Value, and that is way our price doubled.
~ I have made a rule that when exchange stocks you must also say the price that they agreed upon.

(Shareholders: percentage of stock owning, stocks total, and value)
Donovanator: 51%, 51, 102 Gold/ 4080 USD
Gaulictribesmen: 34%, 34, 68 Gold/ 2520 USD
Kyle321n: 15%, 15, 30 Gold/ 1200 USD

How to use this stock exchange
When you want to buy a stock , send this org x amount money and a pm saying you want to buy x amount of stocks.

When you want to sell - tell this org that you'd like to sell your stocks back, if they deny then you can try selling it to other people. Also you don't always have to buy stocks from the company- you can buy stocks from people too at any price,but both the seller and the buyer must contact this organization and give information about the price per share and the amounts of shares before and after they have made a transaction

We will only make an "update" article on Tuesday's through Fridays around 7 P.M. central time. If you buy a stock on the weekend it will be at Friday's price.

We will update the stock prices on the latest newspaper every time a stock is sold to or from the Organization.

What happens when you are a share holder of Donovanator's Industries/BAnk
~ You can vote on new ideas, and interest rates.
~ If you own more than 10% of the organization you can propose ideas,or propose to change the interest rates.
~ You are given dividends whenever Donovanator extracts money from the org (note that
Donovanator will never use this organization's money to buy something for his or anyones sake ,instead he will extract money from this organization if he wants to buy something where as the money he extracts will be split among the shareholders.)
~ You can trade/sell your stock to anyone for any price,but both the seller and the buyer must contact this organization about the price and the amount before and after they have made a transaction.

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