Diary of Russian-Chinese war. By eRussian Intelligence officer.

Day 816, 10:56 Published in China China by eRussian Embassy in eChina

The following text is the translation of a report by sunbeliever, eRussian Chief of Intelligence. Although it is directed to the people of eRussia, I believe eChina can find this information useful too. Either way, it's always interesting to know how the same events are interpreted from the opposite side of the front.

Evening. February, 7 2010.
The General Staff
Discussed the new negotiations with Japan. Someone from the Staff remembered about China for the first time. That person wondered how the negotiations with China were going. A thought has been voiced that another open front in Asia is out of our interest. The Chinese demanded the return of Jilin.

Chief Intelligence Agency. The Central Committee.
It became clear that EDEN is planning a great offensive on several fronts. London and North of Brazil were to be attacked simultaneously. We were expecting Norway to reach the second border via swapping with Sweden. Romool informed that he will personally negotiate with the Chinese, who are persistently demanding Jilin to be returned.

Noon. February, 8 2010.
Chief Intelligence Agency. Central Committee.
Chinese President freaked out. He frankly declared that as soon as EDEN starts its advance China is going to assault Jilin and seize it with the help of Romania using only bare hands. His last words were something like: "See you on the battlefield! 😃". Ok.

Afternoon. February, 9 2010.
Somewhere on the Chinese-Russian border
Long time no see!
Russia blows a preemptive strike on Xinjiang and Liaoning.

Afternoon. February, 10 2010.
Somewhere on the Chinese-Russian border.
Victory on both fronts. Xinjianovsk and Lioningrad become Russian regions.

Somewhere in Beijing.
China starts to suspect something is going wrong.

Night. February 11-12 2010.
Somewhere at the North of Brazil
Loland slowpoked the resistance war. EDEN is fighting kamikaze in fuuuuuuuuurustration.

Early morning. February, 12 2010
Somewhere at the North of Brazil
Loland loses the fight. Loland is so Loland.. EDEN starts to suspect something's going wrong.

Afternoon. February, 12 2010
General Staff
Discussing how to swap Serbia to Liao. RAGE SHIT RAGE HATE PANIC RAGE.
Attack on Beijing.
UnclDed is running in: "China retreats from Tibetovka!"

That's how it all happened. I could probably mess up some timing, so I'll be happy to be corrected.

So, what's my point? And my point is - Chinese articles about our never-ending friendship and how we betrayed England to consume helpless China instead - are ridiculous.

China had been rubbing its hands looking forward to catch us unguarded to assault Jilin. Chinese President acted villainously, distracting our attention and lulling our vigilance with fake negotiations. And China was punished. Thrice.

We have been doing everything right. And we will keep on doing the things right. We need the population support, not another portion of whines and snivel. After all, which side do you pick??

To be continued.

You can still address all your questions to me via PM both to this org and to me personally or via the forum

the Ambassador of eRussia
in eChina and eJapan