Destroyed hope, and smothered dreams. An uplifting fairy tale.

Day 1,819, 15:49 Published in USA USA by Candor

Fine. If everything in your wildest dreams wasn't enough, ok then.

JJ wins another term as WTP Party President. And a good thing too, because I lied and I can't give you anything I said I could. I made that all up so that you would vote for me. But I just couldn't pull the wool over your eyes. You saw right through my shananigans.

I defer to John Jay and his sound and prudent leadership for another term as Party President, and pledge my loyalty another month.

Actually I could have given you all ponies, but I made the rest up.

The King is dead! Long live the King!

Btw, nice participation WTP, our turn out continues to grow, and you all make me proud! You vote because you care. We grow because you care. Keep on caring. Keep on keeping on. A great group of people.

Dutifully Submitted,