Dem Jeg holder i Dybt Foragt

Day 182, 18:14 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


This is an editorial (as in fact is so much of what I write.)

The title says it all, those who I hold in contempt. It starts with the Swiss who fled to Bulgaria. Not alone are the Swiss not really Swiss in this game, which is fine, but as soon as their country is no longer administrated by them, they chose to move to another country to do the exact stupid thing they did in Switzerland. First they move to take over a country because they can't control their own (so neither should the Bulgarians.) Then they seem to have a plan of running the same boring country they ran in Switzerland. If control is so important, embellish. Who are you to run one failed mediocrity into the ground after another?

I hold in contempt all those of occupied nations who fled. They of course aren't as bad as the Swiss though. I hold in contempt all those of occupied nations who collaborate with their occupiers. I praise the Russians and the Israelis. The Russians who run an organized resistance on a parallel to Denmark, I'm glad. The Israelis may not be as organized, but I have spoken with them personally and I gladly salute their spirit.

I hold in contempt the two-faced Scherf. Don't think I wasn't on to you for a single moment. You who in private pledge your precarious support for me and the Danes and for a free Denmark. You who not 5 minutes later attempts to steal my employee. You think I would not find out?

I hold you in contempt like I hold all those who in private told me they support me, without ever speaking a word of it in public. You think I care for your flattery? Your petty sucking up? What did you want, a special place in the future Denmark should we ever get it? Were you hedging your bets on both sides? Pathetic.

I salute those Swedes who refuse Denmark her sovereignty. You who moved to Aalborg. Sure I think it's pretty gay that you only want to control Aalborg as mayor. Simply because all you will do is take orders from Stockholm. Laughable. "ooh what a major victory. You're like every other mayor ever." But I salute you for taking an active (however petty interest). I salute you for having the conviction to make an opinion and stick with it. What is this game if you take no risks?

I salute those Swedes who ignore their base urges and support our cause openly. You in Ubuntu who couldn't follow my leadership yet still support our cause, brave men you are. Your opinions are not popular, but you have them and stuck to them. How many can say the same?

Now I fully expect the same Swedes who moved to Mainz and Aalborg, to move to Copenhagen in an attempt to rob me of any pleasure. I'd be a fool if I hadn't thought of that. We Danes were intentionally quiet about the local elections. But our organized and mass exodus into Copenhagen. I salute the Danes so ready to do what is necessary. You may not be active, but when your nation calls you, you do act! The outcome was more than I expected. Of 20 Danes who I contacted personally, only 2 didn't move. And those 2 still haven't read the PM.

You have to admire the Dane, he who has lost his country but did not leave it. Did not abandon her. Things have only turned for the worse, but they stayed if only to see a reversal. The outcome was more than I personally expected.

I will not declare my victory yet. That would be too soon, it wouldn't surprise me at all if in some last ditch effort some group of swedes in the wee hours of the morning moved here to rob us of it. I don't think it's likely, but I don't discount it. As you know, I promised that DGIN was a regionalist party, and as such, we will act as such.

I support the German nation in their freedom. Sweden made a bizarre choice, the choice being that the only way for Germany to end her contract with Sweden would be to invade it. This might not happen soon, it might take a year or more. But I don't find it unlikely that Germany will grow while Sweden shrinks. The tides ebb and flow all the time. Norway is no longer on the top 5 nations list, how far has she fallen from place 2?

Norway will fall eventually, however I do not deem their president as pragmatic as Ziggyzag. (btw Z, I love Atmosphere, a whole lot.) The President of Sweden is a pragmatist, as I think Flammbar will be, should he be elected. A wise quality in any politician.

Finally I want to salute every quality article made. You are few and far between in the seas of Sweden. Sweden simply has a lot of Spam, it's really quite amazing. However inbetween the spam, inbetween those ridiculous companies that think writing an article makes any damn difference whether or not people buy their products or work for them, inbetween those, there are good articles daily. You know who you are because I try to include you in my posts on

And before anyone says anything, I'm not half as angry as I sound. That was just the intent with which I wanted to give this article.

Congratulations to all potential DGIN mayors.