Declaratie EDEN privind situatia SUA/ EDEN statement regarding USA

Day 848, 14:24 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Craciun
In urma intamplarilor din ultimele zile in perioada campaniei militare in Europa, semnatarii acestui document sunt ingrijorati din cauza problemelor interne ale Statelor Unite ale Americii. Ne temem ca in timpul unei lupte foarte importante in Slovenian Littoral (Resistance War), din cauza animozitatilor interne intre Presedintele SUA si Chief of Joined Staff (comandantul armatei), nu am primit ajutorul cerut. Nu stim adevaratul motiv pentru care armata americana a fost trimisa in Resistance War-ul din Sindh, ce fusese deschis pentru drain damage in Serbia. Din explicatiile date de Presedintele SUA, stim ca anumiti comandanti ai unitatilor militare nu vor sa coopereze cu EDEN si are probleme privind controlul asupra intregii armate. Chief Joint of Staff nxnw ne-a explicat de ce a trimis armata in Sindh, insa explicatiile lui nu au fost concludente.
Din cauza ultimelor probleme, pe linia Presedinte SUA - Chief Join of Staff, ne dorim sa rezolve aceste diferente cat mai curand si sa lupte alaturi de noi unde este necesar. De asemenea suntem ingrijorati ca am fost informati de aceste probleme prea tarziu, dupa o lupta cruciala in RW-ul din Slovenian Littoral. Semnatarii acestui document inca doresc sa coopereze cu SUA si armata US, dar trebuie sa fim asigurati ca aliatii nostri americani vor fi implicati in actiunile militare comune EDEN. Problemele intre presedintele SUA, PigInZen si comandantul armatei SUA sunt periculoase pentru stabilitatea intregului EDEN. Nu putem sta impasibili in fata unei probleme de o asemenea amploare in una dintre cele mai puternice tari membre EDEN.

Due to the events that happened last two days during the military campaign in Europe, signatories of this document wish the express their concern about the internal problems in USA. We are anxious that during a very important battle of Slovenian Littoral (Resistance War), due to internal relations between President of USA - Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff , we didn't get requested help. We don't know the real reason why the US Army was sent to fight in Sindh RW, that was started in order to drain damage from Serbia. From the explanations that President of USA told us, we know that some military commanders in USA don't want to cooperate with EDEN and he has problems with control over the army. Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff nxnw was explaining us why did he send US Army to hit in Sindh, but he didn't convince us to his point of view.
Because of last problems on the line President of USA - Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff, the objectives of EDEN were put in danger, so we wish that they will solve this problem quickly and will fight there where it's needed. We are also very worried, that we got informed about problems in US Military too late, after a crucial battle in RW of Slovenian Littoral. Signatories of that document want to cooperate still with USA and US Army, but we have to be assured that our American allies will be fully engaged in common EDEN military operations. Problems between President of USA, PigInZen and Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff are dangerous for stability of whole EDEN. We can't look calmly on such a big internal problem that happens in one of the strongest EDEN countries.

Signed by
Ommi President of Finland
AlexCraciun President of Romania
Cerber President of Poland
Bob Turkee President of Norway
toroman President of eBiH
eastzone President of Spain
ChuckyNorris President of Canada
Apachy President of Croatia