Deathtoll Announces "Dream Team"

Day 407, 07:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

In his Presidential manifesto, Deathtoll, the candidate from the UKRP, announced who he would prefer as his "Dream Team" for the Cabinet of the eUK. It was met with controversy and many of the people on the list openly opposing his decision to put them there. This is the list:

Vice President: Relic
Minister of Defense: IP Lockard
Minister of Finance: Squiddy
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Taytaz
Minister of Health: JerryGFL
Minister of Information: Hassan Pessaran
Minister of Minorities: RonaldChris
Ministry of Migration and Support: Tommy Tommasino
Minister of Trade: Funky44
Minister of Work: Stan Wephen
Minister of Work2: SaraDroz

There are a few obvious observations I'd like to make first; them being that "Ip Lockard" is spelt as "IP Lockard", and it is widely known that he detests this error. Secondly, Deathtoll spelt my name as "Hassan Pessaran" with a double "s". If he's going to be appointing these members to cabinet, shouldn't he know their names first?

Deathtoll proposed Squiddy as Minister of Finance, even though he has already been Minister of Foreign Affairs for two months. He has no experience regarding running the eUK's economy, even though he is a founder of Zycon Industries. Squiddy has already said he will refuse to be Minister of Finance.

Ip Lockard, currently Minister of Defence, has also said,

"I'd suggest actually appointing people to positions that they'd be good at, at the moment it looks like a random assortment of names thrown in a list.

I'd also try not to attack the working process of a minister that you're intending on keeping, or he/she might not particularly want to continue."

He has made it clear that he will not continue to be Minister of Defence under Deathtoll.

Finally, we see Stan Wephen at the bottom of the list as Minister of Work. He has absolutely no experience with economics, and has even said himself that he is "clueless" when it comes to the economy. There was no explanation as to why Bob Boblo and Keitarour have been removed from this list.

This "Dream Team" of Deathtoll's has certainly not been met with the reception Deathtoll may have liked...