Dearest Gina

Day 960, 13:36 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

On my daily routine, doing my daily 12 to 12 grind, things to do, people to see.

After hitting up the gym...gettin my buff on to impress the Lisa, my neighbor, I headed home to visit her and increase my...happiness, only to find out afterwords that she is host to a series of diseases. I didn't realize that her asking me if I wanted to "Chill out" would lead to such a burning sensation...

In retrospect, one look at Gina should have warned me of this.

Terrified by diseases with more syllables than should be in a word, and character combinations that simply don't make verbal sense, I headed to the library to get my knowledge on.

As I headed to the fiction section, presuming that theres no way half the things neighbor chick told me she had could be real, you stopped me and mentioned that I'm in great shape and that we should "study" together, and that doing so would help me advance at work.

oh baby oh baby...

My mind began to race through the possibilities. Could you possibly mean what I thought you just meant? If so, then yes: you, me, and Emma (my boss) getting together and having a "study session" could do wonders for my career and would definitely increase my....skillset...

The third wheel to our tricycle? The Last piece of our triforce? The Bottom bun of our hamburger?

Before I could fully think that thought process over, I found myself in the children section with you building a 12 hour long success story (one which I promptly shared with my friends over a 2 gold beer in the entertainment district).

This continued for some time, me visiting you. You lookin fine in that skirt and those glasses. Us building 12 hour long success stories. Me skipping working, training, and battles.

It began to take a toll of my personal life. First of all, the human body is not designed to go on for 12 hours at a time.

Baby, I'm superhuman but I'm not a machine.

I began to miss work. Training went out the window. Working took more energy than I had. I was exhausted, and it began to take a toll on my happiness? suggested a trip to the movies. I was disturbed. My small stash of money I had saved up was slowly dwindling thanks to "library membership fees", movie tickets on top of that made me reach to the bottom of my piggy bank.

I began to get more and more stressed about my finances. Eventually, I stole my mothers credit card to make ends meet. Unfortunately, I'd already maxed out the limit buying Chzbrgrz, PERANG, WKWKWK.
