Dear UG Players

Day 1,022, 21:28 Published in Norway USA by graduallynevele

I noticed a lot of you seem to do this:

Stoppit. It doesn't look very nice. Contrary to popular belief, you can post avatars here at erepublik, too. Not many of you seem to have caught on to this. Some of you have; props to the kid with the Cheer Up Emo Kid avatar.

So let's run through this step by step:

Click on this

It'll take you to your main profile. I'm sure you guys already know how this jazz works, it's not too complicated. It'd be good if you're familiar with it.

Notice this? It's important, too. Let's click it.

Something important to note: It'll let you edit your account information like your email and password.

Scroll down a bit and OH HELL WHAT'S THAT. It lets you change, or for most of you, put up, your avatar. Click it and it brings up a box of your windows. Pick a picture and click submit/save/open or whatever your browser says.

Now you're back here.

Click the submit changes button, and voila, you have an avatar. Sometimes the site is slow and doesn't update immediately. Sweet Jesus, it's the end of the world. Don't panic, it'll pop up in an hour or so.

Kay, thanks.