Dear Hero Imprisoned

Day 177, 04:58 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


Now for a song about me, it's called "The Last of the Famous International Playboys."

Once again Danes, your president and leader was imprisoned. While others walk this earth with impunity, I am forced by the petty to pay for every remark they find aesthetically unpleasing.

If I happen to call some whiney little kid "fucking sensitive", I am imprisoned. If I call Turkey the second gayest nation in the world behind Norway (which really is only offensive to Norwegians), I'm imprisoned. If I say that Swedes aren't humans but just a species called homo-swedes. I'm imprisoned.

None of these insults are particularly insulting. It's just a collective of people known simply as the petty-police. Who can give insults but can't take them. Now I have no intention of stooping to such a childish and loserish level. I will not attempt to get someone banned for insulting me. And for this I have two reasons.
1. I probably tried to rile them up anyways.
2. I don't really care that much.

If I get someone so offended as he feels the need to insult me (and it happens more often than you'd think, since there are a certain group of Swedes who are very young and thus, ridiculously sensitive to their own national pride) well that's sort of a success. However if I'm insulted online, boo fucking hoo. Going out to actually report it would simply be a waste of my time. I'm quite simply not that much of a loser.

So with that, I think I will go sign Platonic's petition.