Dear America: We Aren't the UK. You Can Join PHOENIX Without Us.

Day 873, 20:12 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Canadian Conduit - Issue #41

According to a certain top voted American article Canada is at the beck and call of America's back hand.

The article states that "whatever decision the USA makes, the Canadians might also follow suit" because apparently we just sort of follow whatever the Americans do. Just like during the North American invasion when America was trying to bend over to PEACE and the Canadians naturally followed suit and touched their toes. Oh wait...maybe that's not exactly how it happened...

The article also suggested a killer alliance between Canada, America, South Africa and Australia, which would "possess almost half of the New World’s titanium (provided eSA reclaimed all of the relevant regions) and would certainly be a force to be reckoned with."

Yes, like a fat kid in gym class with a backpack full of chocolate bars and porn magazines, we would be an unstoppable behemoth! I can imagine our slogan already: We've got all the goodies, and nothing to protect them with!

I hate to say it, but something tells me that all that titanium wouldn't be particularly safe when the entire alliance has about half the population of Poland alone.

Of course, the other logical solution is to turn British and go to PEACE...sorry PHOENIX. This sounds like an awfully good idea to the Americans, and if it sounds good to them it sounds great to us...apparently. According to the article, "if the USA joins Phoenix...then Canada would join as well, giving Phoenix hegemony over the whole Western Hemisphere."

Yes, there's nothing that brings me more hope and joy than the prospect of our former invaders walking into Canada and using our immense wealth to destroy the countries who helped put us back on the map. The UK told me that's what true friends do. I imagine that's probably the same reason France was so gosh-darn happy to see the Germans at their doorstep in World War II - they just missed having greasy overlords deciding their every move.

By no means am I anti-American. We have been perhaps the two strongest allies in the game (aside from the time the USA invaded us and got 1812'd of course) and I don't anticipate or hope that this will end any time soon.

But please, don't think you have the right to tell us what we are going to decide. Remember, when America was at the table deciding how many thousands of gold they were going to pay to surrender, we were booting PEACE off our blessed soil. Clearly we can take care of ourselves, thank you very much.

Canada is no UK.

We have dignity.

And we'll never join PHOENIX.

And if we do, so help me God I'm moving to Greece.

Yours truly,

Dade "VDP" Pendwyn