Deal or no deal?

Day 1,424, 06:19 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

We have had a better month for our economy. With greater resources at our disposal we are more productive than in several recent months. This is in large part due to the efforts of our president to secure deals with our neighbours, and to enlist the support of LnL fighters to liberate more regions of our country.

So in the great art of sandwich-feedback – I’ll lay the first layer with a big THANK YOU to our president for this achievement.

And now time for the criticism… Having read our Foreign Minister’s Report, I am disappointed that we have not struck a foreign affairs deal that is good for economy. I would like to hope that when this deal was struck, our President and Economy ministers were also in agreement on it? Middle Egypt is cattle – and we need it.

Up to now we have negotiated away fruit regions – that’s fine, we got lots of fruit, minimal effect on productivity. But voluntarily giving up Middle Egypt is going to cut our productivity on food quite considerably. I would like to voice my strong concern with this policy decision and call on our President to call a cabinet meeting to consider renegotiating this deal.

…And finally, to complete the sandwich with some positives. I’d like to thank our government for their proactivity and supply of information this month. I think that this is one of the best LnL-backed government’s we have seen in a while.

So keep up the good work, and BRING US BACK OUR CATTLE!

Franz Kafka
Congressman, Al-Islah