Day 2386 | June 1, 2014

Day 2,385, 08:46 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2386 | June 1, 2014=====

BUFFALO, New York - President Emma made a surprise appearence in New York City to speak with members of the new administration of the Economic Council. On her way to New York City, she stopped with her administration members in Buffalo to make a speech about economic recovery and the war effort in the United States against Canada. She garnered major applause after stating that "The U.S. has never been known as a nation to surrender, we have never been a nation to sccumb to evil forces. We are fighters, and we will be victorious as we have been every time before, in every battle, and we will continue that whether it be in Canada, France, Siberia or any nation on the planet... Economic victory and military victory is in our reach. We just need to target our ambitions." President Emma also on this day went to local burger joint John's and bought a salad. At approxamately 4:16 President Emma went and walked around the square in Buffalo, causing mass cursing from car drivers as the motorcade blocked a majority of the streets. President Emma met with her Economic Council at 7:30 PM.

MIAMI, Florida - A shocking case of child abuse comes straight out of Miami as a peaceful gated complex called "Mineral Lane" is filled with controversy. After reported cases of screaming from local townhouses, police broke into the house and found a father reportedly waterboarding his 14 year old
daughter. The father, James Horjay was formerly on trial 6 years ago due to malpractice, a suit in which he lost his medical liscense over. Horjay is now in trial against his 14 year old daughter, Jenna. James repeatedly stated that it was not child abuse, it was simply playing and that Jenna repeatedly refused to do activities such as wash and bathe, and that actions needed to be taken to get her to do so. Jenna fired back stating that the waterboarding over a spilled cup of orange juice was not only not needed, but also purposely desructive.

STOCKTON, California - Workers in Stockton race to finish the so called "Park of Dreams" ordered by mayor Jim Hue. The Park is a multi billion dollar project approved by the city council yesterday in order to "increase tourism revenue, a amount of money that has been dropping for 5 years straight." The amusement park comes at a controversial time as several thousands rally for a lower tax amendment, while the city has decided to spend it on a amusement park. If done the math, the city could have given the entire population a 23,636 dollar tax cut. The park is expected to have rides, a 150 feet rollercoaster and a luxury hotel which is expected to garner five stars. In regards to economic matters, the federal government is expected to pay 40 percent of the 13 billion dollars as a stimulus package directed to California, a place which has been especially hit by the hard economic times.

JERSEY CITY, New Jersey - A change in taste of rallying today, as pro war citizens take to the streets. Thousands of citizens rallied in Jersey City for pro war causes in Canada and France, but mostly Canada. Although no official group can and will claim responsibility, it was most definately not random as a large portion of citizens started rallying down. As Jersey City Police Department got more and more disturbance calls, SWAT teams were deployed to keep the peace, which further escalated the situation at hand. Citizens started running away and yelling, yelling "Murderer!" and crying for help. Other citizens directly combated the SWAT teams, as the SWAT teams dealt deadly blows to citizens.

WICHITA, Kansas - Local highschoolers in Wichita were told today that they could not graduate, a very serious note. None of the 156 graduating would recieve their diplomas, as when they graduated, their graduation caps had wording on them about their future amount of college debt (Estimation). Superintendent of Schools Sarah Lee states "Never will our school accept subpar graduation caps, that's simply not in the spirit of Wichita." Parents claim this step goes too far, saying that this will permanently derail students off of the course of education, while some say that it's the right course of action.

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That's Day 2386 | June 1, 2014