Day 2380 | May 27, 2014

Day 2,380, 12:17 Published in USA USA by Normand X

====😃ay 2380 | May 27, 2014=====

AUGUSTA, Maine - Citizens are paralyzed with terror as two planes smash into eachother in a disasterous mid-air collision. 167 confirmed dead so far as all the citizens in the two planes are suspected to have been killed. The two planes are both suspected to be 727s, both half occupied. One plane, the American Airline 423 left from New York City, and was heading to London. The other plane was Sprint Airline 662 at half capacity holding around 74 people and headed from Miami to Quebec City. At the FAA, or the Federal Aviation Administration, announced at the recent press conference at 4:30 PM, that a air traffic controller by the name of Silvet Schmitt, a FAA veteran for over 13 years, was the main reason the accident occured. Schmitt was fired the day of the accident due to the accident. Friends and family say that Schmitt was especially torn over the death of his daughter, Jane Schmitt. Silvet went to work at unusually odd timings from his daughter's death, even though his supervisor, Stephen Sache, repeatedly told him to remain at home, so his work performance would not be effected. Schmitt repeatedly ignored several warnings that the two planes were within collision distance of eachother, and ignored the warnings 5 times until the fatal crash. At the point of impact, resident Kimmy Brandon states that the noise was "Like the worst car crash of all time." Mass sermons at local churches have been set up, and flowers and cards were put at the doorsteps of those who lost friends, family and others in the crash.

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - Good news out of Kansas City as the amount of MERS patients has dropped from approxamately 4400 to 3600. But, all good news comes with bad news as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announces the string of deaths coming out of Kansas City from the MERS virus. In a recent press conference, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service announced that as the MERS virus has gotten less contagious, it is even more deadlier then ever as the death toll reached 50 people. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has invested 500 thousand U.S. dollars into the purchasing of masks, syringes and aid kits for the use of citizens in Kansas City.

LUBBOCK, Texas - The world's largest ponzi scheme was uncovered today in Lubbok, as a 26.7 billion dollar ponzi scheme was busted by the FBI. A company known as Vermica Corporation was known for being a primary provider of energy in southern Texas and southern New Mexico. Vermica Corporation was known for having unbelievable amounts of profit and revenue each fiscal quarter when in reality, they were making a loss. Vermacia Corporation claimed to make a 2.3 billion dollar profit in the last fiscal quarter, which made them the most profitable company in the entire country. In reality, they lost 4.6 billion USD in a single week. The only reason they were able to remain profitable in such a case was because they were able to fraud people into believing that their company was profitable, thus infuincing them to invest extraordinary amounts of money. For example, venture capitalist Stephen Nuakye invested 4.5 billion USD into Vermica Corporation, and every single penny was lost. In total, 7.6 billion US Dollars in investment was lost, as the company went into dust. The company did not even have enough property assets to fully recover half of the 7.6 billion US Dollars.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia - The coastline of Virginia Beach was evacuated today as a citizen reported multiple sharks coming onto the coastline. Boats were immediately sent by the U.S. Navy to inspect the claim, and determined that not only were there no sharks, but the person was most likely seeing buoys. The claim came at around 11:42 AM when Solomon Caramanta called into the lifeguard station at Virginia Beach and stated in a very frantic manner to evacuate, as he identified a mass of sharks. Then immediately following at around 11:45 AM a mass radio message was sent out telling citizens to stay around 250 meters away from the coastline. At around 4:40 PM, the advisory was called off and citizens were able to return again back to the beach.

BUFFALO, New York - Buffalo mourns as one of it's oldest residents, John Carlos died today at the age of 164. Carlos was the oldest citizen in the entire world and resided in Buffalo for decades. He formerly lived off of donations by citizens to keep him stable, and was known for being very friendly around his neighborhood. Carlos's wife died just a few years ago, at the age of 157, the second oldest citizen to ever be born. The Carlos's have 4 children and around 12 grandchildren, so the Carlos family line definately runs on. John Carlos worked as a doctor practicing in his private institution until 86 years old, when he retired. Since then he has dedicated his life to philantrophy and living the remainder of his life. For nearly a century he resided and lived in the same apartment in Buffalo, until his untimly death. Carlos will be missed.

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That's Day 2380 | May 27, 2014