Day 2377 | May 24, 2014

Day 2,377, 08:38 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2377 | May 24, 2014=====

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - Good news today as Power Today announced limited power supply in some basic areas of metropolitian Kansas City. After Power Today needed some quick revenue, from public or private sources, after the disaster of the nuclear crisis, President Emma offered the company the job of Kansas City. The largest power consumer in Kansas City as of now, would be the Kansas City Police Department, after drastic steps were taken to boost security within the city of Kansas City. It is estimated that new power will quicken the speed to prevent widespread looting. In addition to this positive news, there is also negative news today coming out of Kansas City. A new, undeclared strand never seen before, of the MERS virus has been found in Kansas City. Once the virus was found within a homeless man, it spread like wildfire. Even areas such as temporary hospitals and Red Cross refugee camps have announced the reception of the disease. The U.S. Federal government is considering sending masks to citizens of Kansas City, in light of these recent disease developments. As of now, the typical treatment for former MERS issues have proven to be ineffective in rendering this new virus invalid. As of now, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is recomending citizens of Kansas City stay indoors, and keep to themselves.

WASHINGTON D.C., Washington D.C. - Thousands of citizens gather to Lincoln Memorial, where 50 years ago Martin Luther King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. The thousands of citizens participated in the "Rally to Bring Peace and Prosperity", with a key focus in ending the wars in France and Canada. Hundreds of police officers were on high alert, waiting for any signs of aggression, though rally leaders have repeatedly stated to not seek aims of violence. Though the beginning of the rally was anti-war, it quickly evolved to a anti-Emma rally. Eventually, punches were thrown at eachother, in which police had to get involved. Overall, 5 people were injured with no casualties.

NEW YORK CITY, New York - A suspect was arrested today, due to secret service foiling a plan, of the suspect to assassinate President Emma on her Economic Council visit today. The suspect was Gordon Fischer, a well known socialist around his neighborhood. Fischer was planned to have gotten a assault rifle, stand from a side building as the motorcade passed by and to have fired fully upon the motorcade. Secret Service arrested Fischer as Fischer was walking around the area the motorcade was to pass by, planning out his every move.

AUSTIN, Texas - Mayor Palin of Austin announces the town's worst drought in history, facing incredible heats. There is simply not enough water to supply the crops with the amount of heat they are facing, where it recently hit 120 farenheit. Local farmers within the city have decided that it would simply be cheaper to let their crops die, rather then spend the extra money on purchasing water for the crops. As water prices skyrocket, so do food prices due to the unfortunate nature of the high water prices.

JACKSON, Mississippi - In Jackson, city officials raise the local minimum wage to 15.65 USD/hour, the first city in the entire nation to do so at such a level. This has opened Jackson to a fire of controversy and debate today, as economists from both sides of the panel have showed their debate skills at the local town forum. On one side, Economist Sigmund Friedman says "If you want to find the cities with the highest unemployment, we go to cities such as Jackson, which have a shocking 18.4 percent unemployment rate. That number is estimated to go to 21.4 percent, over the period of 6 monthes due to the increased minimum wage. The best decider of the wages of a person is not the government, rather, it is the free market." While on the other side, economist Franklin Keyek says "Well, while jobs have indeed lost, we must understand that a huge portions of those lost jobs are from people who let go of their second job, because they are making enough from one job now. Secondly, this is estimated to lower the welfare amount of Jackson by over 50 million USD, due to people becoming less dependent on welfare."

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That's Day 2377 | May 24, 2014