Day 2376 | May 23, 2014

Day 2,376, 04:45 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2376 | May 23, 2014=====

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - Breaking and tragic news out of Kansas City today, as visiting congressman Brick Hanson is shot and killed by a rogue gunman at approxamately 3:20 PM. Congressman Hanson was planned to go out to the city center, and visit some of the shelters for now homeless citizens. Congressman Hanson was one of the key members in the Kansas City Recreation Package which passed the United States congress with a overwhelming majority. The gunman, now confirmed as Tyrone Jackson was obsessed with the idea of murdering politicans, as he was arrested for conspirating to murder President McGillicutty, a year ago, yet was aquitted of any charges. The day before the murder of Hanson, Jackson purchased a M1911 handgun from a local gunstore in a suburb, and took a local car to the city square. Jackson rented one room for one night, at the local Scheeps Motel. When looking into Jackson's home, a number of suspect items were found. Some of these items were Hanson's scheduling plans, gun magazines, bullet cases and more. The day of the assassination, Jackson left the motel with the weapon in his pocket, and saw the motorcade. At approxamately 3:10 PM the motorcade stopped, and secret service unfortunately deemed the area as safe for the congressman to come out. 3:20, Hanson stepped out of the motorcade waving to citizens as he approached the Red Cross reigon Headquarters, in which Jackson was waiting for him. Jackson quickly stepped out of line from the roped off citizens, and took 5 shots. One hitting secret service agent John Quincy in the stomach, rendering Quincy immobile. Another one hitting Hanson's assistant Dorothy Mitchel in the head fatally, killing her and 3 shots attempted against Hanson. Two of which landed directly in his head, around the brain area immediately killing him, and one landing in his chest. Within seconds of the incidient, Jackson dropped his guns and raised his hands as Secret Service agents toppled over him and restrained him. Hanson was declared dead at 5:16 PM. Hanson, the 7 term member of congress from the state of Iowa, brought to the house floor land mark legislation such as the Financial Reform act, the Economic stability act and the Work Tax Initiative.

DENVER, Colorado - Denver hails the opening of the world's tallest building, the X Tower. The X Tower, wholly owned by Partson and Co., has been in construction for over 12 years now after delay and restraints, and today it can be called finished. The 163 story glass and steel building was originally intended to be used as a massive hotel/office, yet was turned fully into a hotel after there were issues finding occupants for the office space. At it's peak, the building took in approxamately 500 tonnes of steel per day, thousands of panes of glass and thousands of pounds of concrete. The building cost a total of 7.45 billion USD. At it's opening, 5 thousand citizens rushed into the building to the observation deck to see the view from the world's tallest building, and they were not dissapointed.

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico - Pride in the United States erupts as a terrorist is caught within the city's suburbs. The U.S. military sent in around 250 troops into the compound, and successfully arrested several top leaders and killed the head of the organization, Canada Strong. The terrorist organization was most well known for the mass murder of American citizens in the city of Detroit, on July 26th, 2013. Once President Emma was able to announce the arresting and killing of top leaders, citizens in all cities rejoiced. Citizens from Los Angeles to New York City, gathered in their city squares in unified chant, "USA STRONG". The leader of the terrorist group, Stephen Gordon, was assassinated today in the compound. Now that the major core in Canada Strong is down, more can be expected to drop.

HOUSTON, Texas - Security within the Houston Museum of History is scrambling in response to the recent robbery of the ancient copy of the book, The Bible. The book, written in estimated 1020 AD, was stolen and declared missing at around 6:45 PM. The Mueseum of History is offering 550 thousand USD which leads to any evidence of the recovery of the book.

FORT WAYNE, Indiana - Massive counterfieting ring found in Fort Wayne today. It was suspected around 150 thousand US dollars was counterfieted under this ring. The suspected citizens were formerly accused of counterfieting, yet were aquitted of all charges. After a clerk at a local Shop n' Go noticed the forged 100 dollar bill, police were on a quick persuit of the criminals. After a warrented raid upon the citizen's house, the basement revealed a full blown counterfiet operation.

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That's Day 2376 | May 23, 2014