Day 2375 | May 22, 2014

Day 2,375, 04:51 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2375 | May 22, 2014=====

CHANDLER, Arizona - Disaster avoided today in Chandler, as a major nuclear facility producing enough electricity to power up 1/8th of the entire southern board, faced a possible nuclear meltdown. The plant's cooling systems failed, as Governor Ford had to make the tough decision, on whether to send in mechanics into the nuclear facility to manually cool down the plant. Ford made the decision to send in mechanics. 2 Mechanics have died, out of the team of 32 sent. Mass emigration from the state of Arizona occured. Approxamately 560 thousand citizens from Arizona flew, drove and took the train to New Mexico, California and even Mexico. At approxamately 3:40 PM, Ford announced that the facility was open up once again, and that disaster had been avoided. Within a hour of this incident, a online petition to the Congress named "Increase Nuclear Regulation NOW" had already garnered five thousand signatures. The owner of the nuclear plant, Power Today had made a official statement today, announcing the slow progression of closing their nuclear plants.

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - Today, celebrities from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and Miami flew into Kansas City to provide much needed entertainment and aid to the citizens of Kansas City. Comedians did stand up within parks and schools, pop stars sung and politicans gained some political points by working in local aid camps. Missouri's state legistature in a immediate emergency session decided overwhelmingly 43 votes YAY, 3 votes NAY and remainder abstaining, to provide 2.3 million USD as aid to Kansas City. Power Today has announced programs to start to attempt to recharge Kansas City with electricity. Local suburbs in richer areas, are beginning to form their local militia to defend from looters and rioters, along with gangs.

TAMPA, Florida - The Siberian Embassy had a carbomb detonated infront of the Embassy, killing 2 and injuring 13. The bomb was supposidly detonated by radical extremist group, Siberia First. Siberia First has been one of the most extreme, and vocal, groups within the United States, supporting a Siberian Empire. The United States Department of Defense has confirmed privately to the Post Standard, that no federal government of the US, Canada or Siberia has been in involvement of the detonation of the bomb.

HENDERSON, Nevada - Massive underground currency ring uncovered today by the FBI. The FBI uncovered today, that they had been tracking the use of so called "Liberty Coins", in which people could go to a local user and trade their USD for hard backed currency by gold or silver, AKA a Liberty Coin. The reciever of the USD would then incinerate the USD. Under U.S. treasury law, the mutilation of U.S. currency is indeed a crime, thus deeming the users and creators of the Liberty coin as criminals charged with a felony. The FBI estimated around 3.2 million USD in circulation of Liberty Coins, and over 10 thousand users of the liberty coin.

RALEIGH, North Carolina - Game developers Electronic Rockstar have announced the creation of a MMORPG, (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) World Supreme Command, a roleplay military action game, involving the domination of territories and a implementation of politics. World Supreme Command has been explained by ER, as being a roleplay shooter game, with politics and government, and even a economi module. Invade territories on a fake world, elect presidents and a congress, and create a economic empire within your country. The real shocker about this game, would be the extraordinary pricetag of 750 million USD, just for the creation of this single game. The final pricetag, is estimated to be around 800 million around completion, 750 million for the base project and basic code.

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That's Day 2375 | May 22, 2014