Day 2374 | May 21, 2014

Day 2,374, 04:43 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2374| May 21, 2014=====

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - Citizens break out in protest from parks and schools today, demanding further federal action. After 2 disasterous earthqakes, the city of Kansas City is in comeplete nihilism. Citizens have designated random areas within cities as mass graves. Thousands of dead bodies have piled up into the areas, as citizens sorrowfully drag friends, family and neighbors into the massive graves. The military is scrambling to repair their tents and weapons, as hundreds of reports of crime, looting, and murder have sprung up. The federal government has decided to sent 50,000 extra soldiers into Kansas City, and they are about to depart their respective military bases. The soldiers are to arrive at Kansas City within 2 or so days. For now, though, the citizens at Kansas City are doing whatever they can to survive, and anything they can to leave the city. As the suburbs continue to get pillaged by mobs and gangs, while rich suburbs have turned to refuse help of the police, and hire private police companies. In addition to the mass emigration, North Guns's head gun production facility, was looted today. Though heavy gunfire was met with the looters, the sheer amount of the looters overwhelmed the guards, and over 2 million USD worth in guns were stolen.

BOISE, Idaho - Boise Technology(BTECH) Announces a new aircraft, created for the U.S. government. The new technology is to be the top of the line accross the world, including climate-controlled indoors, 1700/mph speeds, absolute 0 showing on radars. The new aircraft is to be named the B-45, and to cost 2.7 billion US Dollars. The U.S. Department of Defense already had ordered 20 of them, and soon will order 50 more. Boise Technology(BTECH) reported 53.6 billion U.S. dollars in revenue last year, and it is suspected with this new government order, their revenue will triple. Their stock, BTECH took a massive hike today, as the stock increased 22.4 percent.

SEATTLE, Washington - Strange fires occuring in the Seattle City Park. The city park has strangely caught it's 4020 acres of park on fire. Luckily, no one has been hurt, yet the fire almost caught to the skyscrapers around the park. Firefighters came on the scene in under 20 minutes, and sprayed down the park. Over 200 thousand U.S. dollars was lost within park shrubbery, trees, and more. It is currently unknown what started the fire, some speculate a cigarette.

FRANKFORT, Kentucky - 32 children reportedly caught Ecoli. today at a local McDonalds. Within 5 hours of opening the local store, children were rushed into the E.R. with Ecoli found. The McDonalds was quickly shut down, as all 32 children are severly ill, and 2 of them dead. McDonalds is currently under investigation of the Food and Drug Administration. McDonalds, formerly had a issue 3 years ago with a similar situation, in New York City. McDonalds, as a result of that case, had to shell out 4 million USD per person. The damages registered to 40 million USD, after 10 people were injured with Ecoli. At this rate, McDonalds will have to pay 128 million USD.

FORT SMITH, Arkansas. - Today, Forth Smith Public Schools closed for the day, after a bomb threat was called in. No bomb detonated, nor was anyone harmed, but the simple call was enough to close all the schools in the city. The Fort Smith Police Department announced that they traced the call back to a public payphone, so it would be very hard to trace. Police is looking at CCTV camera footage to find something that could relate.

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That's Day 2374 | May 21, 2014