Day 2373 | May 20, 2014

Day 2,373, 03:55 Published in USA USA by Normand X
====😃ay 2373 | May 20, 2014=====

AUSTIN, Texas - Huge scandal uncovered at 5:32 AM at News Inc. HeadQuarters. After extensive undercover research by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the F.B.I is ready to announce, that it has significant proof that News. Inc has been using hacking, and illegal wiretapping to recieve some of it's major stories. Company President Tortiose Boughes has not made a statement as of now. It appears Boughes ordered major wiretapping schemes to find out significant developments in the Kansas City Earthquake disaster, faster then anyone else could. Furthermore, at 4:20 PM today, it was discovered that company C.F.O. Harold Donnely, has resigned. He stated "I cannot fairly conduct business and run a company, in which there is so much speculation regarding..." It is unknown whether other news companies have also used illegal wiretapping to collect news stories, but the F.B.I. Is certainly investigating.

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - All is lost today, after what looks like a extreme aftershock hit the city. Another 7.3 quake hit the city today, shaking and bringing thousands of buildings down to it's knees. A confirmed casualty so far in the rubble, is mayor Hawking. Hawking died today after the ceiling of his office in the Capitol rotunda collapsed upon himself. This is the second earthquake within 10 days of eachother, as disaster strikes. It is estimated that this quake will cost up to 35 million U.S. dollars. Furthermore, Kansas City for a while, looked like anarchy. The city was in turmoil. Quickly set up military camps were plowed out of the way by the earthquake, and filled homeless parks and schools were put out of place instantly. Major shopping complexes and stores have reverted to simply closing their doors, rather then submit themselves to the possibility of looting and robbery. Damages could be as high as 120 million US dollars, as of now. Business owners have all deserted the area, as it is no longer safe, and small time business owners must defend themselves against the horde that is certainly going to attempt to claim any stable goods. Massive protests continue to erupt as thousands flock to stable parks and stable buildings, to ransack and protest against the unstable and unwilling government. Communities and families continue to send all they can through mail and trucking, to do whatever they can to help to support families, friends, and fellow citizens. Without the help of Save Kansas City, help seems like it will be severly delayed.

WASHINGTON D.C., Washington D.C. - One of the largest coal mines, D.C. Mining Corp was found out to have accicdentially polluted the city's water supplies with coal traced water. Citizens are noticing a tart taste within the water, and a very distinct saltiness. Furthermore, the U.S. is also to blame for not formerly conducting routine business checkups. D.C. Mining Corp was one of the most well known, and largest mining companies in the entire country with a estimated value of 2.2 billion USD. The coal mining facility has been shut down temporarily, as a federal Environmental inspection has begun, to further prevent any other incidents. So far, 33 people have gone to the hospital due to the water, yet none have died so far.

PHEONIX, Arizona - Joy for the family of Richardo Commenco, as the 86 year old man recieves his PhD. in economics today. As the oldest reciever of a PhD in Economics in recorded history, Commenco is elated. As a fighter of prostate cancer for 5 years, he is overjoyed to hear the news. Pheonix University gave him the PhD, after Commenco studied economics at the college for over 8 years.

LOS ANGELES, California - Police drill done in downtown Los Angeles today at approxamately 8:30 AM, to the surprise of everyone. A roleplay suspected bomber drove down the street in a curvey, unstable fashion as a police persuit followed. Shots were exchanged, as the bomber was handcuffed and sent to the car. For many, the drill seemed like a authoritarian showing of power, while to some it just seemed like a fun activity for citizens to observe.

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That's Day 2373 | May 20, 2014