Day 2369 | May 16th, 2014

Day 2,369, 02:35 Published in USA USA by Normand X

====😃ay 2369 | May 16th, 2014=====

KANSAS CITY, Missouri - After the devistating effects of the earthquake, all hotels are booked up, and schools are packed. Parks have become refugee camps, and tens of thousands have packed into Swope Park, to seek food and drink and some means of shelter. Save Kansas City has collected up to an estimated 300 thousand US dollars, and hundreds of thousands of dollars from the U.S. Government has been sent to the people of Kansas City, to create quick shelter and apartments. The death toll has racked up to 63, and 400+ injuries. The looting continues, as power outages adds insult to injury. The estimated amounts lost, has been estimated at 140 million US Dollars.

NEW YORK, New York - Today, reeling from the disasterous impact of Calgary Financial Services (CFS), several other major companies have declared bankruptcy after massive holdings were stored in CFS. Companies that went under included, but are not limited too, Good Foods (GF), Nofstop (NOS) and Bank of Eastchester (BE). The stock market has collapsed 743 points today within the first 3 hours of trading. Mass selling ensues.

DENVER, Colorado - Party President elections close today, as millions line up to election centers at hospitals, schools and town halls to vote on this historic day. While a majority of parties are keeping their former Party President, many have changed.

NEW JERSEY, New Jersey - Schools today let all students out from school, due to the record amount of snow, reaching up to 15 inches in some part of New Jersey. As thousands of people are stuck in buildings, cars in highways, the governor of New Jersey has attempted to provide some sort of welfare and shelter to some residents of New Jersey.

BANGOR, Maine - Thousands gather in Bangor's town hall today to greet President Emma on a special trip to Bangor. The trip's purpose is currently unknown, and the White House Press Corp has not responded yet.

That's Day 2369 | May 16th, 2014