Day 1245 - You have been warned!

Day 1,239, 03:21 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

News just in....

"Starting with Day 1,245 of the New World, citizens of eRepublik will be able to construct on their land new mines and new farms in order to obtain the new raw materials: rubber, oil, aluminum, saltpeter, fruits, cattle, fish, deer.

As food and weapons currently consume only grain and iron, an one-time-only migration possibility will be activated for all current raw materials companies (Grain, Iron, Stone, Oil), to migrate into any raw material company.

Along with the availability of creating the new types of buildings, working in Stone, House, Hospital, Defense System and Moving Tickets will no longer be possible.

An on-time-only migration possibility will also be activated for House, Hospital, Defense System and Moving Tickets companies to migrate into Food or Weapons companies.
Note: Plan your work carefully in order to make sure you remain with as less as possible queue (started, but unfinished, product) in these companies. All queue will be reset when the migration of each company is activated.
Next month, these new raw materials will start being used when producing food and weapons in upgraded food and weapon factories.
In the near future, I'll write also a public "Questions and Answers" post."

We have already all been told about the loss of moving tickets. And last night a bot seemed to sweep in and buy up most of the market. Soon you will have to pay cold hard NOK straight to admin to move about.

But now it seems we are about to lose Houses (which I quite like so that's a shame), hospitals (not so useful anymore but I remember when Norway had Q5s in every region - great times) and defense systems (which we never really used anyway).

Plus all current raw material companies will be allowed to transfer over to the new resources. So that means all the slightly unproductive grain comps here in Norway can suddenly become fisheries or deer farms and take advantage of the local bonuses* Oil will stop supplying MTs and go towards weapons.

But Yan! I hear you ask, if every country can just produce the raw materials it needs then won't it destroy the world economy cos no one will bother selling overseas anymore?

Well no, because Admin have basically said that Q1 factories only need 1 resource, while Q2 will need 2 resources. Q5s.... well they are going to have fun.

And that will be the reason why deer and saltpeter are the most rare resources of this brave new world we are entering. They are the high iron of the future. Oh, hei there Jamtland Harjedalen! How you doing?

*Oh joy, more overproduction!