DAY 1000!

Day 1,000, 06:32 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

It doesn't get any better than this.

DAY 1000!!!!!!!!

Despite the game having its ups and downs, hills and valleys, liberals and conservatives, (insert your own contradictory statement here), it is impressive for any online game to be as successful as eRepublik has. I mean, c'mon, we all said DIE V2 but we're all here still playing it right?


So, for today, relax. Remember all those eIsraelis that have quit, those that are still playing, your friends, enemies, your CP Dean Michaely all the way to yibgib (who does it like dis, who does it like dis) and everybody in-between.

This game is cool. This eCountry is cooler. You have 2 main RL countries that are apart of it here. And then you have some others that still use it. The RL flow of everyone here is awesome. We have military guys, hard working people, people just graduated college, high school, maybe even some that aren't even graduated high school. It's all so cool.

I've been playing for almost a year now. September 5 is my eBirthday (woohoo, less than 3 weeks!) and I have seen all the awesome stuff that has happened in eIsrael since then. I've never been in another eCountry, primarily because eIsrael is an ever-changing realm of intensity and there's always something to do here. The people in this country again, from the vets like Franz Kafka to the newer guys like Frodo Malinowitz (your name keeps popping up in my articles, i dunno why), everybody is doing something for this country.

So I guess the main thing to say here is thank you.

It has been a heck of a ride, and I'm only excited for it to happen even more. Everyone out there, you know who you are, who has helped eIsrael, been active, heck, if you 4-clicked and did some economic work at your company for eIsrael, thanks! You're all awesome.

So have an eBeer (if it's legal) Smile and say, "Yeah, I did serve my eCountry" as you click study to learn at the library. Be proud today.

And congrats to us all, we've made it to Day 1000!

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower