Dante for Congress

Day 914, 22:08 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Today I have to talk about two points


1. My run for Congress

2. Arm America program


1. My run for Congress

I'm running for Congress in Illinois. A lot of people say how "congress sux," and how they never get anything done, and that the things they do get done are usually misguided. Are they are right?

Often times, yes. A couple of days ago we had the President and the Chief of the Joint Chiefs not able to agree on who America's allies are. Who's at fault here? CONGRESS. They have not provided the country with a law or international treaty on who America's allies are, and what our international obligations are. They had no idea what they were doing when they voted to leave EDEN. That's why the army thought it was up to them to run America's foreign policy, since the legislative branch hasn't provided them with clear guidelines.

I'm a proud member of S.E.E.S, and it's an honor to be able to run for Congress. I hope to do America and my party proud. I'm also supported by the American Progresive Front. I'm on the board of the New APF in an advisory capacity since the new party president Chrizz0 won the party election this month.




2. Arm America program

The Arm America program gives out free guns to our citizens. You can request your guns here every day if you are below the rank of general.


We can thank Dr Tango for getting this law passed in Congress last month. This is the best retention program out there. It also ranks up our citizens at double the rate than they normally would. Now if only all our Congressmen had bright ideas like that. So in conclusion, vote for me, cuz I aint no dummy. Move to Illinois on the 25th and vote for me. Be there or be square.

No fear DANTE is here 😉

Sincerely ,
Dante Alagherii, future Congressman


My opinion today

http://i48.tinypic.com/30cr41j.png" />
