Danes, You've Made Me Proud!

Day 155, 17:11 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


I am on the last Danish ground on Earth. I write this in a bunker deep underground to protect me from the Swedish catapults (Which is also the equipment they use for their Space-Plan, no one's made it to the moon yet).

I want to tell you, the Danes in Swedish occupied Denmark that you've made me deeply proud. Your refusal to integrate into Danish society is a true sign of your own strength. When Australia was invaded and occupied by Indonesia they fled for the safety of cowardly Sweden. They did not stand their ground and fight for who they were. The Belgians gave up their sovereignty voluntarily, spineless. The Israeli's have chosen to integrate into a land that has no interest in accepting them.

You Danes have stood up and said, "I am Danish. I do not like Sweden." This makes you men. We might have lost the war. We might have lost our land. But we ARE NOT CONQUERED.

Every active Dane, tomorrow when there is no Denmark left, you MUST contact me. I will give you the link to a forum I have created for occupied Danes and other occupied peoples. In this forum will be the plans of Dannebrog! which will be our Danish Resistance Army (DRA). I will try and unite us with that of other occupied nations.

When you have joined the DRA you will be divided into ranks and you will be given specific orders. We will teach the Swede, what it means to take Danish territory. The game has not created any form of terrorism, but this does not mean that we can't create our own. We will need to be creative of course.

Furthermore this is most important. NO Dane must work for a Swede. NO Dane must join a Swedish political party. NO Dane will ever buy a Swedish product. THEY will NOT get our money. THEY will not get our LABOR. They have taken Denmark, but they have not taken the DANES. The battle has just begun. We will make occupation very very terrible.

I would like to announce the fact that we have won. You might have seen Swedes everywhere blaming me for the invasion. I was the man who caused the invasion, it was all my fault. Not the Swedes who you know, invaded (it's much like the rape victim who had it coming.) I was the single man who forced the world's largest nation to act. I had the power to control the entire Swedish nation, they've said it themselves. Danes be proud of yourselves!

The Swedes will oppress us. Let me give you some advice. When I saw Chief Interrogator Flammbar smash my kneecap, I realized suddenly this kneecap was a badge of honor. My shattered kneecap was a badge of honor that I had earned for good service to my nation. Every hardship you encounter, is a badge of honor. Don't you forget it!

Please join me in our resistance song
Oh I am a merry plough-boy
and I plough the fields all day
till a sudden thought
came to my head
that I should roam away

I am sick and tired of slavery
since the day that I was born
and I'm off to join, the DRA
and I'm off tomorrow morn'

And we're all off to Copenhagen city, in the city
Where the helmuts glisten in the sun
where the bayonets flash
and the rifles flash
to the rattle of a thomson gun

I'll leave aside me pick and spade
I'll leave aside me plow
I'll leave aside my horse and yoke
I no longer need them now
I leave aside me Marie
she's the girl that I adore
and I wonder if she'll think of me
when she hears the rifles roar

And we're all off to Copenhagen city, in the city
Where the helmuts glisten in the sun
where the bayonets flash
and the rifles crash
to the rattle of a thomson gun

and when the war is over
and dear old Denmark is free
I'll take her to, the church to wed
and a rebel's wife she'll be
well some men fight for silver
and some men fight for gold
but the DRA are fighting for
the land that the Swedish stole

And we're all off to Copenhagen city, in the city
Where the helmuts glisten in the sun
where the bayonets flash
and the rifles crash
to the rattle of a thomson gun