Cycle of life, Napo the deathbringer

Day 851, 14:31 Published in Romania Romania by NOSHADEZS
When are we born...? When do we die...?
.......... Why are we born...? Why do we die?
.......... This world order has been destroyed and revived repeatedly...
.......... It was revived as Paradise... up to now... and even in the future...
.......... Alter universitas, this world is Paradise, left open by someone...
.......... and this era... is coming to an end.
.......... Rather than original nature, I've obtained the way of living...
.......... but the time has come for this world to end.
.......... I lost hope in a world that's going to end.
.......... My destiny has withered away like a flower.
.......... And everything is breaking away like a trail of dust...
.......... As if everything is being purified,
.......... the ice is closing in on this world.
.......... In order to return to the beginning of time...

Erepublik is a world someone left open...

So we can see in it what would probably happen in real life...


There is no real problem with the so called economical crisis...
There is nothing wrong with running out fossil fuel...
None other problem then cycling the people from power.
The humans won't disappear,
The wind won't stop blowing,
The sun won't stop shinning.
