Curb Crawling

Day 648, 22:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

Well, I haven't written an article in a long time. I Haven't been in eSA for a long time for that matter. Since it's pseudo liberation I've returned to the game and to my country and I must say I'm nothing short of dismayed by the current situation.
After countless PTO attempts (and successses), twice being invaded and overunn by foreign nations (Indo and Brazil) and the obvious problems we've had with political cohesion in the past, I cannot help but feel some sense of disappointment with what seems to be the same old story. There is no protection against what seems to be an inevitable PTO attempt, the efforts to jump start South Africa's economy have been mediocre at best, and for the most part the political parties seem to be out for themselves. It's as though as a nation we have learned nothing from our troubled past. After gaining back one of our regions and establishing South Africa anew we have an opportunity to really try and make things work here and all I'm seeing is, for the most part, the same old stuff.
I guess I'm just dismayed that despite all we've been through and all we've overcome, we still are trudging down the same paths that have lead to our downfall time and again. I really would have thought that by this time South Africans would have realized that in our precarious position we need to place the security and longevity of our nation above our own political squabbles and come together to ensure the continuation of our nation above all else.
The one silver lining that I do like is United South Africa's ideas of implement a model of direct democracy which is something I rallied very hard for in the past after the failures of SAIL to unite South Africans. In terms of political participation and stability I see this as the only way to proceed from this point on. The squabling of our political parties is as futile now as it ever was and we need a way for (A) all citizens voices and concerns to be heard and (😎 a system in place that makes the historically inevitable Political Take Overs much more difficult to enact. This is an effort that in the past I've been strongly in favor of and nothing has changed.
I just don't understand why, despite all this great nation of ours has been through and managed to overcome, why we cannot learn the simple lessons of the past. Why are we so unable to put aside a few of our differences to ensure the surivial of South Africa? Why do we seem doomed to repeat the failures of the past once again? Why does the situation now seem identical to our past when we should know so well how and why we have failed before? I consider it our duty as patriots and citizens to see eye to eye on a few keys issues, first and foremost the very survival of our nation. It is so obvious that we cannot continue on the same path we always have been but we continue to do so anyways.
So where does it end? Do we need Another PTO, or another collosal failure of domestic and economic policy that we've seen time and again? How long will it takes us to actually come together and find the answers, that are right in front of us, to keep our nation strong? My suggestion is that we actually come together to solve what are the major issues with eSA instead of curb crawling along as we always seem to have and coming to yet another failure.