Crush The Hungarian Scum!

Day 195, 01:46 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Ladies and Gentlemen I come to you today with my son and partner H.W Hat.

As many of you know from this predicament we are currently in two wars; one where we are slowly losing the battle by protecting our neighbor to the north Poland, while the other is where we have been invaded by the savage Hungarians. I come to you this day with the great news. With the help from the Americans and Swedes we are repelling the invaders entirely. But this shouldn’t be where we stop my brothers! Nay I say. It is they who shall pay the price. Eat and Train everyday and grow stronger. For by the end of this war it is THEY who will wish they had never entered the war. We will drive these Hungarian Mongols from our lands and chase them back home towards their capital. YES my brothers, I am talking about military expansion! I call out to the Americans and Swedes for help in this endeavor. Help our Czech brothers and sisters destroy the Hungarian menace. This will be the first step in solidifying our presence in the Eastern Block.

War is never something that I wish to happen, but once it does I say we go all out. Destroy the enemy with whatever you have. If you see a stone, throw it. If you have a stick, jab it. If you have a gun, then by all means shoot it! These Hungarian criminals wont know the meaning of mercy from us brothers! To their walls and their cities! Leave none of them standing! I will fight with you my brothers and sisters! The international community stands with you. And with them we will win this war against a savage enemy!